Repetition and Self-Creation: Drawing inspiration from working in nature.

in #life8 years ago

Today I worked in the nursery and had to dump dry earth that was in these plastic bags on the outside of the nursery and make a pile of it. The pile would later on be mixed with other things to create more ‘nutritious’ soil for lack of better understanding of the whole process there from my side. I am not very knowledgeable in this field, hence you will probably find that I refer to some things the wrong way here when it comes to soil and planting.


(The plastic bags with earth inside them)


(The pile I was creating by emptying the earth that was inside the plastic bags)


(Nursery with all the black plastic bags with earth inside them to be dumped into a pile outside the nursery)

However, as with all things in life, we are daily tasked with things from, even the smallest of routines or things we do on a day to day basis, from which we can draw inspiration, support, realizations and reference from. We can daily learn more about ourselves or support a realization we had about something through this new experience we have today.

Repetitive application

For me, I drew a reference, or a connection between the work I was doing in the nursery today to strengthen and support my understanding of how the process of self-creation and self-change through applications like writing, self-forgiveness, self-corrective application, mind construct, redefining and living words works.

My task today, with emptying the plastic bags which had dry earth in them, was not physically demanding, as in being heavy labour, it was more a repetitive task. Doing the same things over and over and over again, until it was done.

You see, I had to walk back and forth, carrying two or more plastic bag to the location where I would empty them into a pile outside the nursery. I had to walk back and forth multiple time, until I have collected sufficient amounts of plastic bags near the area I wanted to empty them into a pile. Then, once I had enough plastic bag there, I would empty them one by one, until I emptied all the plastic bags that I had brought over from their initial locations inside the nursery. In between emptying the plastic bags, I would have to take a spade and break the earth apart because it was dry and stayed in it’s form of the plastic bag it as in. I had to break it up by using a spade, so it created a nice pile of earth. Once I was done with the plastic bags I had collected for emptying, I repeated the whole three (3) layer process again: Walking back and forth from inside the nursery, taking with me two plastic bags with earth in them, bringing them over to the pile I want to empty them in. Do this until I collected a number of plastic bags outside the nursery. Then empty the bags I had collected. In Between emptying I used a spade to break the earth up that was forming clumps. Once done with all the plastic bags I had collected outside the nursery I’d repeat the same process as outlined again.


(Plastic bag with earth in them that I started with, walking back and forth between them and outside the nursery next to where I was about to create the pile)


(Stacking around 15 bags at once next to before I am going to empty them into a pile)


(Breaking chunks of earth up with a spade)

Repetition in the Process of Self-Change

Now, how does this relate to the process of self-creation, self-change and self-application? It’s like doing writing or self-forgiveness, you do one line after the other. Opening up one point after the other. Going deeper in one point after the other. Let’s say I start with writing about a point, experience or pattern inside myself: I write line after line, paragraph after paragraph. It’s a repetitive process of doing the same thing over and over again. Writing one line after the other. Opening up or going deeper in a point after the other. Then, let’s say once I am done with writing, I move on to self-forgiveness. Now, I write or speak one self-forgiveness statement after the other. Until I covered all points or sufficient pints. It’s a repetitive process of doing the same thing over and over again. Let’s say that once I am done with my self-forgiveness, I move on to define, to write down and map out some applications I can start living and applying so that I correct myself in my behavior, in my pattern, experience or point when I face it again in my reality. So that this time, I do, act, decide and live myself differently, in the corrected way, in the changed way that I defined in and through my writing, self-forgiveness and self-corrective application writing. I live this application of changing myself in my patterns, points and experiences over and over again until I have successfully changed that pattern, point and experience and who I am within it. Until I am, in fact, changed for real regarding this pattern, experience and point that previously existed in me. It’s a repetitive process of doing the same thing over and over again, which here is living the defined and written down self-change application every time I am faced with my old patterns, points and experiences until they ar, one day, one moment, changed for real.

Changing myself, creating myself, understanding something that exist in me, such as an emotion feeling, a behavior, why I speak or at in a certain way towards different people, situations or environments and so on - is a repetitive process of doing things over and over again, such as over and over again writing about my points I am working on and would want to change until I create sufficient understanding and clarity through my writing that I can more effectively work with through for example self-forgiveness. Now, I do my self-forgiveness, line by line, statement by statement over and over again until I have released from myself the built up energies, the emotions and feelings, ideas, beliefs and so on connected towards the point or pattern I am working through. Then I map out or define my corrective application that I will apply as an application of changing myself when I face myself, in my reality, again, the same experience, point or pattern that I was working on previously in my writing and self-forgiveness. It’s repetitive. Doing the same things over and over again.

Like with experiencing something I’d want to understand, release and change within me: I go back to the basic tools of writing, self-forgiveness, self-corrective application, redefining and living words, real time self-change, and so on until I have successfully understood, changed and created a part of me within me and as me.

Stick to Applications; Do and Repeat Until Done

Stick to the basic tools, the tools you use for self-discovery, self-creation and self-change - it is a repetitive process. Don’t allow discouragement because the process is repetitive. It is quite nice in a way. Doing the same thing over and over again. Trusting that the tools at hand, of writing, self-forgiveness, self-corrective application, redefining and living words and real-time self-change work, produce outcomes of real self-change when applied repetitively! What’s consistency but repetition of the same things, over and over again, every time something is done it adds up, like a plus one (+1) until the creation being created is done, until the change being walked is done, until the understanding being walked is here and a point in ourselves and creation is understood. And consistency and perseverance is surely what we require in this process of self-discovery, self-change and self-creation. Repetitively changing ourselves, point after point, part of ourselves after part of ourselves, until we are completely changed and transformed and created ourselves into being equal to and one with life.

For more support and practical tools on how to change ourselves, you can peek into this free online course.

Also, you can learn more about a process of Redefining and Living Words and with that Redefining Yourself, Redefining who you are at:

Thank you,
Nebi :)


Aldin... Yet another outstanding post... perfectly outlining the process of self-change - "Trusting that the tools at hand, of writing, self-forgiveness, self-corrective application, redefining and living words and real-time self-change work, produce outcomes of real self-change when applied repetitively!"
Thank you for this...


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Great gardening post, I liked all of the pictures you put with it too!

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We repeat until we see, until we realize how we are living a pattern. We do not learn by repetition, we repeat to see the pattern, to understand, and then we step into knowing. That moment of knowing, does not involve repetition. Thus, that we learn by repetition, is a fallacy. Coming full circle, we repeat until we see. Since we are actually born seeing, we are uncovering that which we already are- in a way. We already know how to focus. Thus, we can also say, we repeat until we learn to focus as who and what we already are.

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