Thoughts in my head # 74 or Live your life!
At some point, you simply remove from your life the words "must", "should", "feel ashamed", "harmful", "and what people will say," and thus cease to live to please others. It is unpleasant to refuse, of course, and I do not want to offend anyone at all, but it's much more terrible to live not your own life, to engage in self-flagellation for what you allegedly did not do. And think - "oh, if ...". Admit yourself to who you are and accept yourself. Start loving. And do not punish yourself in thoughts or actions.
I dissolve in life, in its diversity, I get pleasure from it. I allow myself to be myself.
And do not listen to anyone who says that we are here for something else. We all live our experience. And we can brighten the life of other people, make it better, but only from the heart, not living it for others, without sacrificing ourselves.
Everyone has his own way and everything should be fun.
Eat what you want, love someone you want, wear what you want and do what you like, there will not be another life for it. And there are no insoluble problems. Everything is in our heads.

Какие красивые фотографии! На Азовском море в России тоже много таких пляжей, где вместо песка очень большое количество ракушек. Эх, сейчас бы на пляж...
Мне нравится этот пост. Конечно, нужно жить только своей жизнью и не думать о том, что о тебе думают другие.
Beautiful words, life and it is unique and it is just to enjoy it, it is full of wonderful things that we should take full advantage of. Beautiful photos by the way.
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This pictures are amazing, congratulations great post, greetings from Venezuela!!!
Nice photography sir
That's an amazing text - you should always stay true to yourself and take care of you :) The pictures are stunning too! Thanks for sharing these wonderful words with us!