Thoughts in my head # 73 or we come to this world alone and leave it alone too...

in #life6 years ago

It is often said that we come to this world alone and leave it alone too. But after all, a person can not come into the world without a mother, only together they can create this act. Together they create a new life. But what about passing away? Probably the soul comes alone and pass away alone. It is looking for a way to God alone, when it leaves this world. But this is how the world is created.
We all probably fear of loneliness. It is said that we all need for someone to give us a mug of water in our old age. Such installation was created. And life is so different for everyone. And how often you hear that a woman has many children now, and she is lonely, they do not come to her in old age. I want to raise my children for not to give a mug, but simply to be near, to walk together in life, to support them, to be sheltered in difficult situations and just at the moment of recharging life.
We run, we are afraid of loneliness, like of curse, like terrible punishment. Or maybe we are looking for someone to fill this loneliness, but we become even lonely until we figure out - "where I am in this solitude, where I'm real".
Life probably gives such situations to let us understand...

Or maybe our soul lonely flies on the wings of eternity in the search for happiness. We are the travelers of eternity, our soul is a traveler of eternity, it flies from one life to another, passing, living something of its own. And everyone has their own, different.
And yet we are alone on our path of life ... After all, many people are passing by, but they are just near, the same travelers of eternity with their destiny. And nothing lasts forever. There is only an instant in this world that is raging, and this moment we live alone, maybe next to someone, but alone ...










Эта тема для меня очень грустная и я стараюсь не думать об этом.

Действительно тема достаточно грустная. И фотографии внутреннего убранства храмов тоже не приносят радости и веселья. Красиво и загадочно...

I never really spend much thought on the idea of "Being birth alone, dying alone" to be honest.

When it comes to discussing what happens afterwards, I actually find the norse variant to be the most interesting. The norse people have an entirely different perception of time. Where time for us is a linearity without an foreseeable end, for the old norse, it was actually a circle.

Not going into the colorful details here, but basicly, life and time as we know it are fluidity and nutrients that the world tree absorbs with his roots that end up being dropped off later by it's leaves back to the foundation where it get's reabsorbed again.

I really like the idea of this concept because I think that it works quite well with how scientists are connecting time to tachyons. But an actual scientist could tell you more about that.

Sounds interesting, doesn't it?

I like this idea, it sounds interesting, really :)

I think so too. One of my favorite concepts, actually.

I wonder how many years the entire circle does encompass if it really exists. Any educated guesses?

When I start thinking about something like infinity or the cosmos, I get scared :) This kind of uncomfortable feeling that I'm just a grain of sand in infinity ...

Fear is nothing but excitement born from ignorance. If something causes fear in you, you know that you are emotionally invested in it and that overcoming it will cause you to grow as a human.

We may be small compared to the infinity of the universe today, but maybe we will transcend the stars come tomorrow!

One can be surrounded by many people yet feel all alone. I think that sometimes parents who live to a very old age can be a burden to their family if heaven forbid, they lose their minds and suffer from alzheimers.

We, are a burden for our parents for a long time too (in some ways). Therefore, I believe that we should respect old age and help parents until their last days ...

I agree too, it is our responsibility, but very difficult when a parent does not recognize their our child and needs expensive care which children battle to pay. It makes the heart sad and sadder when you remember them as the people that they were.

I know exactly what you are talking about, because I passed this all trough with my grandparents...

Happiness is a state of mind, we don't need anyone but us to be happy.

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