Thoughts in my head # 65 or Do not turn your life into a swamp!
Here life is like frozen ... The water is standing, unsteady, ... it is swale ... and can suck in the abyss ...
The swamp here ... everything stopped here. The energy disappeared ... evaporated ...
Sometimes we turn our life into a swamp, we slowly, without noticing it, are drowning in it ...
A gift is given, and each one has his own. You can not draw it, you can not wear it like a brooch - it beats from everywhere with a waterfall, with washing sparking stream - giving us knowledge ...
But we sleep, and then we cover our way with a gray blanket.
We hide ourselves under fashionable clothes, then we hide from ourselves under a warm blanket ...
We close the flow ourselves with our thoughts, words, anger, irritation...
And it costs nothing to dump away the everyday routine, to come to the water and to touch it with your lips, penetrating with all your soul, shouting loudly, to wake yourself to shake off the whirlpool of far-fetched problems ....
Stop among the thickening pines, listen to the peaceful flow of the stream, the grumbling of birds, tap of the woodpecker ....
Counting the cuckoo guessing ... you discover yourself to nature, discover ...
Then the flow will open the doors, giving knowledge, the wisdom of hundreds of generations ...
So as not to fall into despair,
so as not to wallow in the swamp of days nights and evenings, open the doors to yourself!

Чтобы жизнь не превращалась в болото, надо, чтобы у человека было дело. Тогда не будет времени заниматься и думать о ерунде. Очень красивые фото, где это?
Конечно же необходимо постоянно занимать себя и свой мозг активной деятельностью. Если остается пустое время и пространство для ерунды, можно сойти с ума от размышлений и безделья. Вперед, нас ждут великие дела!
When it comes to photograph, I love to see many pictures especially nature pictures. I love going to the photo studio to see and snapshot using my laptop those nature pictures in movies.