Childlike Wonder and the Kiddo's "First" Snow

in #life8 years ago

People like you and me never grow old. We never cease to stand like curious children before the great mystery into which we are born.
-Albert Einstein

Yesterday was the first snow of the year for Chicago! This is my son's third winter, but it felt like his first.

I think he had completely forgotten what snow was. When he first walked outside into the falling snow, his face experienced a full-on, open-mouthed, slow motion episode of awestruck-ness. "Rain!" he hesitantly yelled, followed by a puzzled pause, and finally the word "White?"

The rest of the afternoon was filled with catching snowflakes on our tongues, throwing snowballs at each other, and over-ambitiously trying to build not one, but TWO snowmen.

(You can see how well the second attempt went.)

Super grateful for my cute kid. And super grateful for the reminder of how interesting and exciting the world can be if we approach it with a child's eyes.

(P.S., Do any of you parents have tips on making a stubborn two-year old wear gloves or a hat? The little guy refuses. I felt like the other adults I passed by were going to call child services.)

Till next time!


When you described: stubborn, refuses to wear hat & glove... the scene of Randy, barely visible underneath the mountain of snow gear, getting ready for school in 'A Christmas Story' flashed through my mind.

I can't put my arms down....!!

Ha! Love it.

Source: Google Images

That's the one!

My son's first snow was Christmas Eve one year in Houston. We were running around outside, where it melted as soon as it hit the subtropical streets. The only accumulation was on the the hoods of cars, so that's where we built our snowmen. Lots of them, standing guard over the cars. Of course, they were gone by morning.

That's great. Make do with what you have!

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