The Mentality of A Realist!

in #life7 years ago

I have always dealt with life as it comes and have taken it for what it is; isn’t that what being a realist is? 

What a simple way of living you would think. Yet, I am the one they label coldhearted, hard, tough and selfish because I am a realist. Checkout how a realist thinks about these situations below and tell me what you think and how you look at these subjects.


I see death as a realization moment. A moment in time where you are harshly reminded by the nature of the world that life does not last forever and you are next! When my mother past away in June, I was very broken but I also was relived that she no longer was suffering. My mother was completely blind; one of her hands didn’t have full function and suffering from renal failure, diabetes and heart issues. I love my mother. I took care of her for years and let me tell you it was a struggle sometimes, well most times. I lost my patience with her sometimes because I couldn’t understand how hard it was on her side that as much as she tried she was handicap. She was full functioning and could do a lot all by herself, bless her heart. I miss her dearly. Now back to my point, I wished I could have had my mother till the day I pass but life does not work that way for most of us.

The day she passed away, I was suppose to go see her at the hospital but I was too late and it was hard to deal with that for a bit, but then I reminded myself that I took care of her for many years and that I did all I could have done for her and I couldn’t blame myself for not being by her side when she passed. On her funeral, I was the only one in white. I wore white because I was not mourning her death but celebrating her victory of a life well lived. I was upset, yes I was angry and felt that I was cheated out of time with her.

As the realist that I am, I took the moment of her funeral to reflect on the things that I had going on in my life and things I wanted to change and become before I pass. I have not looked back to that moment very much and focus on the fact that she is no longer with me and use that to fuel my drive to live life.  Am I cold hearted that I don’t visit her tomb as often as my other siblings? The reality of things is that she is gone. How do you look at death?


Being in love is amazing and getting that nervous feeling of the first kiss or the first time you spend intimate time with that special person is something you cannot recreate. I love dating because you get that moment every time you date someone new, but there are positives of being in a committed relationship too. I love being in a relationship because you have a partner in life that you get to share the very best and worst of you. Being in a relationship for me is like having your best friend who is also your roommate or you spend the night over each others place, who you can hook up with without being scared of touching them inappropriately and always they make time to go out on dates with you. Did I hit the nail on the head or is that too cold for you? How would you describe relationships?


Since I was 16 years old, when I left my home and became independent of my parents and my family, I have always done for work whatever I wanted. In the work place, I have always felt like the boss. Granted, I have not always had paying positions as a boss but I was always in love with what I did. I haven’t always held management positions but I can tell you that if I weren’t happy, I would just quit. I don’t believe in working for a paycheck, I believe in working for fun and a major cause, satisfaction and pleasure. Seriously, I look back and it’s been thirteen years since then and wow have I felt like I have not really worked very hard and have had the time of my life. I have worked hard, but it doesn’t feel like I have slaved away. I am not broke either, surprisingly enough. I have made smart investments in the crypto world recently and hope those flourish in time; thanks TIM if you’re reading this!! My point is you can be and do whatever you can within some restrictions obviously but don’t be stuck being a worker. Anyone who knows me knows one thing: I’ve done almost EVERYTHING. I believe in trying new things and if you aren’t happy then move on to the next thing, who said you have to slave away doing the same old boring things? If the opportunity doesn’t exist… then create it! If there is something you have always wanted to do, go out and do it. Do not be afraid of failure, fail until you succeed, you haven’t completely failed until you have given up honestly. How do you look at work, your job or how you make money?

If you have enjoyed this article please feel free to share it and engage and let me know how you think about these three big aspects of life.

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