Live Free - Part 1 - Free Housing provided by taxpayers

in #life7 years ago

So this year marks 10. I have worked in the government/non-profit sector for a decade now. Today at work we celebrated the retirement of a 30 year employee. Yes, 30 years of services and dedication to the job. A proud accomplishment. Pam smiled ear to ear when she received her plaque and what does she have to show for it. A divorce, son with an drug addiction, high blood pressure, a hip replacement, and a bankruptcy; the plaque looked awesome though. In the mist of all this celebration I sat and thought who is the fool here? Doesn't quality of life and time with family mean something anymore? Everyday I see countless government programs being abused at the expense of taxpayers and so I thought...with all my knowledge of social service programs I bet I could put together a step by step roadmap to address every need in life. Thats right folks. I'm confident I can take a household of 4 with no one working and give them and equal or better quality of life with tons of free time vs. a family of the same size with two working adults slaving to get by. So let the experiment begin!

Free Housing: Did you know in almost every city their is a Housing Authority governed by the department of Housing and Urban Development? They operate slums called projects. Probably the worst area in your town. Sure, not the most desirable place to call home, but do you know they also operate a section 8 program. This program hands out vouchers for housing which you can then use to pay rent anywhere you wish as long as the landlord accepts vouchers and there is no shortage of landlords in nice suburban communities looking for a guaranteed check every month from the government. The voucher pays the rent based off of 30% of the households income, so if Billy looses his job guess what...yep the voucher will pay 100% of the rent with no limit of time. This can go on for years, decades. Thanks tax payer!

But wait there's more...A person who has one of these vouchers can also use it to purchase a home and build equity of their own. That's right you hard working tax payer. Billy can work long enough to qualify for a mortgage use the voucher as income to qualify for more house during the loan origination process and use the same calculation of 30% after they close on the mortgage. Yes! The voucher will pay a percentage of the mortgage based off of 30% of the households income. Yep. And when Billy quits his job the voucher pays the entire mortgage. It was sad to see thousands of hard working folks loose their homes in foreclosure while the Billys of the world sat on the couch and let tax payers pay their entire mortgage. Well I guess knowledge is power.

I've just scratched the surface here. If you would like more detail on how you can live free comment below. The free services out there are limitless. Shouldn't you know about them? I mean you are paying for them!

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