raw vs packed milk quick information
What is raw milk
which is raw ,which milk is unpasteurized. The milk which is directly obtained from buffalo ,goat or you could say cow that is raw milk.
a person can provide you raw milk at your doorstep or you can get it from a shop saying that raw milk is available that is unpasteurized milk which is going directly to the customer or consumer from the source like cow
And the second is packed milk. which you get from supermarket etc here we are not talking about any brands or fat non fat ,we are just talking about packed milk that is pasteurized milk
What is pasteurized milk , the milk which is cooked or boiled on a certain amount of temperature and then cooled down and mostly vitamin a and vitamin d is also added in it and then it is available in cans to buy or to sell that is pasteurized milk.
Am a fan of raw milk but the main problem with raw milk is that we found basically three kinds of bacteria
- salmonella which is also found in egg
- E coli this bacteria is usually unhealthy or attacks children and older persons whose immune system is weak and it is unhealthy for pregnant women as well it can make you sick and the persons who have lactose problem don't even think to take raw milk
- Listeria