The great shocking news ever. The world goes bye-bye in June 2018. Must read it interesting prediction about the ending of world.

in #life7 years ago

hqdefault.jpgAnother disaster prediction for your calendar. But don't start fear and stock up on a superstores' stock of canned beans. The end of the world has been suspected and hyped up many, many times before. So, will June 24, 2018 be the end of the world, for real this time? The Bible might believe it is. On second thought, it couldn't hurt to have a few trim bottles of water in the larder. Just in case.
It might be time to re-watch that run of National Demographic's Judgment Day Preppers for a little inspiration. That state of the world isn't exactly white picket fences and rose bushes. If you have your news notifications set to "ON" you know that every pop up headline on your home screen sends a shake of anxiousness down the spine. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to pick up a few tips from TV's faced preppers.
On the bright side, don't say no to that second helping of cake. Whether it's the end of the world or not, there's nothing like an prophetic scare to teach you how to live a little. To set your anxiousness at east, we'll likely see a Jun. 25. But, still, it doesn't hurt to appreciate life a little more than usual with the looming threat end of the world.
Here's what you need to know about ~that~ date. A confederacy theorist named Mathieu Jean-Marc Joseph Rodrigue has predicted the dead date. Why Jun. 24? It comes from a change of state in the Book of Revelations that reads, "He was given control to act for 42 months." Rodrigue did the calculations based off of this and concluded that the Earth goes bye-bye in 2018. As reported by The Daily Star, "to find the date of the disaster, he takes the 666 figure and adds it to his earlier calculations, with the 42 months from the bible. When all added together, he assertion this point ”the world will end on 24 June 2018.
the Earth's death is by way of hit with a planet we never included in our solar system picture. But NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION says the planet would be visible by now, so, that's not it. However, to add more to this secret plan, the famous 16th century prophet Michel de Nostradamus predicted 2018 wouldn't be too sweet to humanity. Express UK reported, "In this flaky collection of stanza verses, the prophet inform that the flip will open to fire, the seas and oceans will flood the lands and powerful vibration will split the Earth open. One passage in particular has been taken to warn against intense solar energy whipping the Earth with big heat, through a hole in ozone layer." Nostradamus continues to predict a gap between the East and the West, which ... is a little supernatural considering the breakability of egotism in charge of pushing nuclear buttons.

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