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in #life7 years ago

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Today I decided to write a steemit post after quite some time about my top tips for parents studying. If you haven't already guessed from my steemit name; I am a mother to two wonderful little humans and a student. Oh yes, and I've recently adopted a puppy, Raphy. My boyfriend and I visited a pet shop in the hope to buy a kitten but instead came home with a puppy. This is my personality all over - impulsive. I love dogs and having my own is literally the best thing. If I had a bigger home I'd adopt a kitten too, but right now, two children, a puppy and two adults is enough. I'm also toilet training my toddler- can you imagine how exciting life is right now cleaning up human shit and dog shit, fun times!!

Back to my original point, my university tips for parents. First of all, I live in London, our university fees are a joke. The Government has fucked us right over. So one piece of advice, think about the career you want before committing to a university place, as in some roles a degree is not necessary. However, in my chosen field - social work - you are required by law to hold a degree or a masters. Therefore, think carefully about what it is you want from the degree and do some research into your field as you could save yourself a lot of money! In my case, university is my only option.

Ok, so I guess that was my first tip. My second tip is, be organised. I really under estimated my first year of university. Previous to my degree I completed an social work access course which is basically a fast track to university, and I did pretty well. My ego grew a little, which made me believe my first year at university would be a breeze. Initially it was, but after christmas (2016) bam!! shit got real. I'll keep it brief, take my advice if you have children and studying, do not complete your end of year assignment on the day its due to be handed in. It's too stressful. Personally I work better under pressure, but this exceeded my usual pressure levels. Believe me when I say, start your assignments at least three month before hand in. And aim to hand in at least 3/4 days before the deadline date. Universities normally provide the students with the reading list and assignments at the start of the year, so no excuses (writes mental note in head).

Tip three is to always give yourself time to study. I am fortunate to be in a position where I have 'daddy' to care for the boys whilst 'mummy' studies. If you're reading this thinking there is no way I can study because of ..... trust me, you can. That time spent on social media, talking on the phone, watching soaps; is all time wasted, which can be used for study (obviously posting on steemit doesn't count, but use your time wisely). If you want to study you'll find the time. A lecturer told me she studied for her degree with three young children as a single parent, and she passed. Anything is possible.

The all important fourth tip. Do you drink alcohol? If you do... three words, student union bar. For those unaware of what this student union bar is; you can socialise here and alcoholic drinks are considerably cheaper than your usual hipster bar that charges £10 for a pint. So we like the student union, although I'm probably one of the more mature students- I don't care, just pass me a tequila, tonic water and lime. Obviously, I'm a responsible mum and student (coughs) so my time spent here was rather limited. However, I discovered parties took place here over the course of the year- I'm yet to experience one as I can only imagine the crazy times these students have, which I definitely do not want to be a part of ... (responsible adult cries into coffee)

Oh and let's not forget student discount. Tip number six, buy yourself an NUS card (if you study in the UK) Fortunately for me, my university provided me with a NUS card free of charge. This card is gold as I can use this in so many restaurants and shops. Recently iI've used the card in restaurants and received anything from 10-50% discount, and I am able to use the discount for other purchases such as books and days out with the children such as Legoland, we went during the holidays and I saved £50 on tickets. Make sure you take advantage of student life whilst you can!

And lastly, do not give up. Yes, at times, I wanted to throw the towel in. My youngest son did not understand why mummy couldn't join the park trip or why mummy was sitting at the computer, a lot. In addition, friends found my lack of social life difficult to comprehend. But I new what I was walking into and how emotions may be effected and although I felt guilty, and still do, as I know the degree will be much more intense in year two and three; I know I am making the right choice.

Above all, it's all about balance, sometimes its difficult to find; once its found, everything falls into place. Personally, I'm yet to find the ideal balance, but I'm getting there :)

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