Force a Smile Until it Becomes Something You Deserve
If you want to be more effective at making someone smile then the best way is to force a smile until it becomes natural. Some people will smile at you on a normal basis and you can be sure that they won't do this when you force a smile. Others will simply smile at you and never make you smile unless you make them.
Smile a lot. This does not mean that you have to show teeth or make a spectacle of yourself by smiling foolishly. What it does mean is that you should spend more time smiling and looking happy. This is especially true when someone is negative and makes you feel bad about yourself.
Smile because it makes you feel good. Smiling is contagious and infectious and can quickly break the ice with many people. You may even start to think that this new found positivity is contagious too. It's an easy way to make yourself feel better and more positive in your life.
When someone smiles at you, it means they like you and are happy for you. It also means that they are interested in what you have to say and what you are saying. You have nothing to be ashamed of. People who are simply afraid of looking foolish will often do nothing at all while others who are genuinely interested will give you constructive feedback and suggestions that will improve upon the topic on which you are speaking. You should be grateful for any opportunity that you get to talk about your topic.
Don't overdo it. The old idea that you have to smile and say something every minute, in order to be liked, is out of date. While it is true that sometimes it is necessary to smile and say something silly, you should not do so when it isn't necessary. If you do find yourself in this situation, then stop for a moment and take a deep breath; otherwise you will be damaging your relationship instead of helping it.
Try not to force a smile until it becomes something. This is most definitely not a good habit to develop, because it will just make you look as though you are trying to manipulate everyone into doing exactly what you want them to. The way to have a successful, worthwhile career is not to force a smile and say something every time you meet someone. You should let people be themselves if you wish to be successful.
When it comes to smiles, it is also important not to overdo them. Too many can make you look desperate and overly happy or bored. Smile only when it is appropriate. A great tip to remember is to think of the person who might want to hear your smile; then, smile without thinking about what that person might think. You will be much more likely to make a lasting impression if you simply put your best smile forward.
Finally, to further practice self-control, avoid getting into arguments with other people. The last thing you need is to appear as though you would rather just not smile at all. Remember, you do not need anyone else's permission to smile. Your own is the only permission you need; and no one else's! Make sure you always smile at those you truly appreciate, and you will find yourself smiling more often than you ever thought possible.
There are times when you do not feel like smiling; when you are shy or embarrassed or when you simply do not feel like showing other people your smile. In these cases, force a smile until it becomes something you consciously want to do. It may take a few tries until you are able to smile with confidence, but it will eventually happen. If you make yourself laugh often, you will find that you have more energy and that your mood improves.
If you do not know how to smile, try to smile for a few minutes without realizing how much you are smiling. This may seem silly, but after a few tries, you may feel that you can smile without thinking about how silly it is. This trick works because your brain starts to understand that there is nothing funny about the act of laughing. After some time, it starts to believe that smiling is a natural, everyday occurrence.
To be more confident in your ability to smile, use a combination of these tricks. When you notice that you are smiling too tightly, try focusing on something else. Do not think about your frowning face. Smile at something else. This may require trying on a smile before you can successfully apply it. Practice this until it becomes second nature.