Recovering from the Myth of a Meaningless Universe

in #life8 years ago

Forms of Recovery

There are various forms of recovery, and many of us know recovering alcoholics and/or drug addicts and are aware of the battles that they wage. In a more general sense, our spiritual recovery – collectively speaking – involves awakening from some of the damaging myths that Western culture has lived its life by. We have to shed the notion that life and consciousness were accidents, for one thing. None of us have completely escaped the influence of this belief (it is too pervasive), and it encourages us to see all of our struggles – and our very human nature – as essentially meaningless.

Ultimately, we’re never going to find true fulfillment if we accept an idea such as this. A sense of purpose is essential to our psychological and even physical well-being. And our inner being will never accept such narrow definitions of our humanity anyway. If we choose to believe that we lead insignificant lives then we’ll just end up using our thoughts and words to try and deny what we know in our hearts. 

Bad Dream

The myth of a meaningless universe is like a bad dream that we collectively need to awaken from if we are to begin living in a saner manner on this planet. The concept has caused a lot of suffering en masse. It may have represented a well-meant attempt to make sense of the physical world and create “order out of chaos” at one point in time, but the consequences of accepting it as a truism can no longer be denied.

Its impact upon the natural world is obvious. When we view Mother Nature as an accidental by-product devoid of significance then we do not feel inspired to act as caretakers of our planet. In fact, the idea of a sterile universe – especially when coupled with Darwinian concepts of evolution – encourages us to see nature as an adversary to be conquered. We think that we’re separate from nature and so nature becomes an entity to be controlled and manipulated. Only in recent decades have greater numbers of people come to perceive that we’ll inevitably end up destroying ourselves if we persist in taking such a stance.

New Convictions

Sweeping changes in the world require that new convictions take root within us. Many of us don’t feel motivated to change our courses unless we’re in pain or otherwise profoundly dissatisfied with our lives. Sometimes people find the impetus to examine their core beliefs after a dramatic event such as an accident, a bout of severe illness or a near-death experience. The earth crisis provides that motivation across the board in the modern day. Because it is a collective problem, it demands a reexamination of collective beliefs. We must awaken from the idea that our universe is a meaningless accident if we are to move forward.

To win the fight for the natural world and for our own continued survival we need to begin believing in our own inherent worth again. This in itself will open up avenues of healing – and present solutions to global problems – that escape us at the moment.



“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

Mhhh sometimes plans don't work out how they are meant to go down, we experience that on the daily do we not?

For human plans, sure. For the Lord's plans, not so much. :o)

I would really like to discuss this more in depth with you.
would you mind doing an interview with me? I would like to see where you stand in this position.

I would be honored.

are you on How can we communicate? To make the interview.

You can PM "stan" on or contact request my skype ID = nybblemeister.

Thank you for every one that has read my post I feel like we at some point in life as if we are meaningless compared to the universe.

I would have to disagree, though I appreciate your post and your position.

It is of my opinion that the Universe is meaningless UNTIL an individual gives to it a meaning. Living within such a state allows for the adaption of all ideas as one. There is no right, there is no wrong - other than that which you ascribe unto it. You are the programmer of the parameters by which you choose to live your life. Its impossible for two individuals to experience the same ideas as the same ideas. We are individuals for a reason.

To force others to ascribe an idea of meaning to existence of which you experience as "truth" is no different than the other dogmatic religions.

In the same token, there is no reason as to why an individual who views life as meaningless wholly would not improve themselves and their environment. If an entity reaches such a point, that idea is elsewhere in the psychology.

As I do see what you are saying, about how until you as an individual gives it meaning.But still than again even if you still live the way you want to live and succeed in what you want to be, its still a lonely road at the end.

Sometimes people find the impetus to examine their core beliefs after a dramatic event such as an accident, a bout of severe illness or a near-death experience.

Unfortunately it is only able to push the man, but it is not necessary to wait to move forward today!

Either the universe has inherent, objective meaning, or it does not.

Believe what you will, put your faith where ever you wish, but the truth is the truth, and nothing will change that.

Nihilism is true, and there is no purpose or meaning to this universe, other than what the tiny beings that exist in it choose.

Another awesome post @mrsteemitbwhale!

I'd have to agree with you that awakening from the damaging myths that society has lived itself by is key, and so is spiritual recovery as well.


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