Securing Your Energy Body

in #life6 years ago (edited)

This post is a response to a request for ways to secure your energy body as a sensitive continued in the same theme from this article linked here.



As a sensitive person with an open energy field, how can I secure my energy body?

Ok primarily, I suggest grounding techniques. Grounding basically means you become one with the ground. When your energy is neutralised nothing can give or take anything. So if you feel threatened or insecure, you need to ground yourself. Also, time slows down in a grounded state and repressions in yourself and others are much easier to see, avoid and deal with if/when they come up.

Here's a few tips to get you started:

Automatic Writing link - Write a page of whatever is on the top of your head without putting any conscious effort into what you are writing using a physical pad and pen.

Routines - you need a routine in your day to day life. This keeps you, you and stops others from pulling your energy away from what you want and need to do with your life.

Breathing techniques and meditation. Anything that is based in feeling what the body feels and NOT visualisations. Vipassana is a good starting point if you have no reference. It is more important to find ways to incorporate these techniques into your daily life than to only be able to be zen when you are sitting like a buddha alone in a room. Also mantras can help - feel the sound of a mantra in your body as a vibration. Select something suitable.

If you're with someone you feel uncomfortable with:

If you are standing around, stand in the same place with two feet firmly on the ground, relax in this firm stance and don't move. If you are sitting, keep your spine straight and face the person directly and keep both your feet firmly on the ground with your legs a medium distance apart.

Keep your hands in front of your body, putting your hands behind your body is a submissive body language. If you have a habit of crossing your arms, instead place both hands equally on the centre of your chest or just put your hands next to your body in a natural way.


Breathe, focus on the feelings in your body, 1234 in 1234 hold 1234 out 1234 hold (do it without too much noise, your awareness on your breath is key here, not the amount of noise you make). Don't be afraid to speak up, say what you mean and say what you need to say. If you feel inundated by another person, don't be afraid to walk away, despite feeling like you've 'lost'. Just do it, it is better to retain your energy. But try to breathe through it first if you have the option and unconditionally face the situation.

Revisit the situation later in the lab of the mind with a rational system to sort out what was logical in the situation and what was an emotional reaction.

Write this down in a journal. Keep a physical journal specifically for defining repressions.

It's important to define in your journal using the lab of your mind, exactly where the repression has come from (whether it's an emotional reaction within your own energy field linked to your conditioning or whether it does indeed come from outside your field). Then you need to forgive this repression. You do this by forgiving yourself for what you feel strongly about, focusing on the original cause of the repression.

Write down this self-forgiveness. Finish the self forgiveness with self-corrective affirmations. Taking something out is one thing but replacing it with a responsible behaviour is the next step. It doesn't have to be a milestone habit, you may just simply want to direct yourself to habitually focus on your breath, so that next time a similar repression comes up within you or within your immediate environment, it finds no home within your body because you are conscious, aware and grounded.


Repressions: A definition

A repression is a delayed expression that builds and releases energy and is stored in the body, this can take on the form of an entity and can exhibit a level of independent sentience. One name it has attracted in the past is a demon. Yes, it can build up so strong it can possess a person. Repressions are first impressed on the body through trauma. This trauma can be light, heavy, subtle, emotional or physical. A trauma is an incongruence between the mind-body comprehension by the self of the self and the environment. This 'rift' in the energy field then releases itself through triggers. It can build up and release energy while retaining a semi-permanent seat in the body. It can also be entirely released by finding and identifying the root cause, then facing it within self unconditionally.



Grounding techniques continued:

Have a shower, with a cold shower one at the end for at least 30 seconds.

Go for a walk in the park bare foot and feel (not visualise, though you can visualise as a 'training wheel') yourself as one with the earth and universe.

Go for a swim in the ocean.

Go camping in the forest for a month. Get away from the regular clap-trap of society. Detox your energy body through a short period of controlled isolation.

Have a decent sleep, alone and in silence with an empty belly and no alchohol or intoxicants in your blood.

Be around your core group of friends you can be unconditionally honest with and maintain honesty in conversation without bitching (a very ungrounding thing to do).

Hard work, hard exercise or anything that forces you to be consciously present in your body.

Limit your use of electronic devices. Stop checking facebook every ten minutes on your phone. Get away from electronics for a while. You need to be in control of your energy, your energy is your attention. What you focus on creates more of that in the future for you via conditioning which you are constantly editing or re-enforcing depending on your conscious/subconscious behaviour.

To create long-term grounding habits takes time so be patient with yourself. Start with some drastic solutions first if you feel you are in an emergency.

Find a way out of stale situations, (eg. a workplace with a narcissist or a constant complainer; or a family member that seems to be cynical and pessimistic all the time) these people may need your attention but you must pay attention to yourself first before you can even consider assisting them. If and when you decide to assist those around you, seriously consider finding ways to help them help themselves. It is important not to create an energy dependence on yourself because there may be times when you may not be able to hold up when they come sucking. If you react to them in this depleted state you can take on their repression/s. Then, even if you deal with the repression within yourself, they may have not faced it within themselves and this situation will repeat itself creating a cycle of abuse.

Some people have a long history of energetic abuse and many people don't want to face the responsibility of their energy body. Most are completely unconscious as to what energetic independence and responsibility actually mean.

Recognise this.

Limiting your attention to these people is key to your own energetic survival and independence.

Keep your head above water. If you need to be a trooper and save everyone, write down your insecurities, and discuss with yourself using your notepad why you feel you need to save everybody. Get to the root of it. Forgive yourself. Move on.

Reserve the right unconditionally to take what you need for survival and enjoyment of life. And if you still need to 'save people', do it from a consistent energy source which you have systems to replenish within yourself.

My suggestion for your own wellbeing is to realise that you are not jesus and you are not a sacrifice. Being the example of self-responsibility is the best thing you can do to assist another person.

Be prepared to cut people off that refuse to take self-responsibility of their energy field. It is not your responsibility to 'save' them but if you feel the need to make them aware of what they are doing, be prepared for some flames. I've made this mistake before believing I could 'save' people and discovered that most people don't want to be aware of what's really going on; then been shit-boxed for it.

I also discovered personally that my need to 'save' people was due to my own insecurities or a hidden desire to control people which boils down to lack of self-acceptance (insecurity).

Love yourself. Include gratefulness in your life throughout your day.

We are all self-responsible.

So take responsibility.



Be Yourself!

Basically for your energy body to be secure and to be easier to keep secure, you must maintain your authentic self at all times. You must strive to be as self-honest as possible (this is quite simply, the best defense). Be yourself and cut things out of your life that take away from your energy.

Bad habits undermine our authentic nature and give you a handicap when it comes to dealing with abusers. It basically opens up your energy field with a hole and conscious or unconscious abusers can feel this hole and use it to take advantage of you. A bad habit is not necessarily something that is considered by society to be a bad habit. A hole in your energy is created by guilt. Anything that you do that makes you feel guilty, even in the slightest, makes you vulnerable to abuse. Strive to be self-honest in all things. If you aren't willing to give something up that makes you feel guilty, another way of dealing with it to seal your energy field is to unconditionally accept the consequences of your habit or guilty thing. This eliminates the guilt, but of course you have to face the consequences. Remember, there is no forgiveness for stupidity. You're in control of what makes you feel guilty, what consequences you are willing to accept and what behaviour you are willing to change. Is one option really more or less pain than another? You decide. It's your life.

So BEING YOURSELF is the best defense possible.

Also sometimes people's energy fields can be left open because they haven't made the direct conscious choice of what they want to do with their lives and so are constantly subconsciously searching for something to fill this void within themselves.

This is insecurity and it must be dealt with through brutal self honesty in writing and self-forgiveness. Make direct honest life decisions that put you on track to becoming your authentic being.

Be yourself, find out who you are and what you want to do with yourself and be direct about it. This will secure your energy field.

If who you are is a sensitive for the purpose of assisting other people as a sensitive, that's another story and so an open sensitive field is cultured deliberately for a purpose. In this case, different and more complex defense systems will be needed in order to maintain an open field this way and survive without picking up all the repressions around you. You'll need to discover how to build these defenses on your own. Put your awareness in the direction of finding a teacher, maybe you'll get one but don't expect a form of one as projected by the media. Life is your teacher and momentarily teachers express themselves through people around you that live ordinary lives. In order to really learn, you're going to have to pay attention. Good luck.

I am alone

From article about affirmations: link

One very useful affirmation for grounding and isolating your energy body is this:

"I am alone"

Etymologically alone comes from two words - all and one.

Say this affirmation over and over again in your head or aloud (works better aloud) while you maintain awareness on your breath in your day to day life.

As a sensitive, you must strive to be independent in all ways, or as independent as possible so as to eliminate the possibility of being abused by people that you are dependent on. It's not to say you cannot trust people, just don't leave your wallet on a bench in the middle of town and expect to find it the next day.

Cycles of abuse based in dependency are the hardest to get out of because this is the basis of an abusive family model. Some people are born into perfect families but for those that weren't, a vulnerable being can only be taken advantage of because it was first dependent. Find good friends that you can trust unconditionally but don't be surprised when someone you seemingly 'trust' comes for attack when you are feeling extra sensitive. This is common predatory behaviour which seems to be a natural part of many people and it comes up in moments of opportunity. So simply don't provide those opportunities. This means in order to maintain a level of defense at all times (even in vulnerable moments) one must maintain a level of awareness at all times. The life of the sensitive is not an easy one but once you have cottoned-on to what's going on, you have given yourself the opportunity to change. With this opportunity you are given a chance and a choice: Do I take self-responsibility? Or, do I continue to deny what is going on and flounder in the darkness as a victim of reality? Link

People can be like 'snakes in the grass' that come out only when they see an opportunity. Most people are unaware of their capacity to be a 'snake' and if an opportunity arrives will discover this part of themselves emerge. So for many of these 'snakes' their behaviour is completely unconscious.

But don't get overly paranoid either, there are individuals in this world you can trust, find them and use them as your ground (you need this reference point) but retain your energetic independence outside of this group for your own security. It was a long time coming before I found these individuals in my life. Energetically we are attracted to similar trauma signatures in others as in ourselves so learn to love yourself and be kind to yourself and this will be attracted towards you in kind.

The more honest you are with yourself, the greater your ability to see honesty in others.



There is no one band-aid solution that will fix everything for everyone.

You must work out your own systems of self-defense that work for your particular energy body which is as individual as your life experience. Be careful not to close your heart by putting walls up everywhere.

You are alone in this process. This is not something to be scared of. Embrace the horrors of aloneness with open arms and you might be surprised with a sweetness.

Good luck and may you achieve stasis in your life.

Sending love,



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Monty! This is an absolute scorcher of an article - very true, helpful and understandable.

These are some really effective methods, thanks for compiling this. It's super important to be grounded and self contained - especially if we are highly sensitive individuals.

I see a trend in new age and spiritual communities to be ungrounded and unbalanced. I have actually been down that path as I came to terms with my energy sensitivity. Once I accepted my lot then I began pursuing balance and equilibrium almost exclusively.

Nice work bro 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

Love love love. Got here via @phillyc who shared it in @NaturalMedicine discord. This is clear and direct and really sound advice. Xxx @thetreeoflife might like it too.

Nice @montycashmusic, this article makes a lot of sense, it's sad that there seems to be so many emotionally abusive and toxic people out there.


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