Success in 20 Points, Rate yourself and Reply Below :)

in #life7 years ago


We as human beings may feel desperate at some times, which makes us feel fail from time to time. While this seems normal we have to find a way to look successful from another point of view. In some cases, we may neglect some small things . you are not a loser just because you are not a millionaire or because you do not ride a car of the latest and most expensive models, it does not mean failure in life and here I will remember you of 20 marks of your success in life, at least partially.

1 . Less dramatic relationships :


If the drama appeared in your relationship, it is not a sign of maturity. The older a human became the wiser he becomes so if you skip the stage of the drama in your relationships this indicates your ability to control your mind and your emotions, which means that this is success.

2 . Do not be afraid to ask for help or support :


Asking for help does not mean weak , in reality it is a point of strength, there is no human being can succeed alone or hopes to success while he is isolated from the people. the real success is in how to handle being part of one team to achieve a goal which they all share.

3 . When your principles rise :


When you do not allow yourself to do the bad behavior, even when all do it, when you always fear God and do not put the actions of people as a measure for your actions This is something you should be proud of.

4 . Move away from what is causing you a sense of badness :


This is not narcissism, but if you can love yourself and transcend with it and understand it, this is a great success. Love yourself so that you can move away from everything that does not make you happy, you deserve more.

5 . If you like what you see in the mirror :


The ideal situation is that you admire what you see in the mirror to yourself every time. But even if it did not happen and it did not look as it should, but accepting it as it is, this is success .

6 . If you have learned that failure is part of the road to success :


No one spends 100% of his time to achieve success, life has the gain and the loss, so you should look at the moments of your failure or backing away as a step toward something better because Failure always teaches you more than success.

7 . If you own Friends that are able to support you :


If you can find out from the people around you who can support your back then you are certainly successful. you must surround yourself with people you trust because the sense of betrayal is difficult.

8 . Do not complain too much :


There is nothing you do not complain about in this world. Certainly you may have passed on hard times when you lost things that you were not expecting to lose one day. successful people know it, but they are patient and feel grateful.

9 . When others success joys you :


If people around you are successful that doesn't mean you are loser so you should rejoice by the success of others and even encourage them to further progress The more positive energy around you the more it is in your favor.

10 . You have a passion for perseverance :


You must not make your life a stagnant. There must be something that you should participate with, you have talents and gifts from god that no one else have, you are unique in the world.

11 . You have a goal which you are looking forward to :


If you do not have a goal that you are looking forward to and expects to happen impatiently So you dying slowly from the inside, Successful People always have goals stir their passion towards the future so that they live the life they want.

12 . You have goals that were achieved :


Despite the failure you have experienced, you persevered until you have reached your goals, which started to give off fruits and you began to see the victory in front of your eyes.

13 . Show empathy with others :


Someone without emotions is a dead man. Emotion includes love and positive energy that make you happy and the world around you happy as well. People who are successful know it, so you find them embrace everyone around them and love them as their families.

14 . Loving everyone drives them to love :


Love is dangerous as it is scary for some people, but it is the one thing we always look for. it also has a fear of rejection, but if you could go beyond this fear and open your heart to love others and they love you then this is courage that leads you to success.

15 . Refusing to be a victim :


You know that life is not always in your favor, but every time you fail it is considered an addition to your experience and this is what successful people know and that's why they do not collapse as soon as they fail, but they stand quickly and complete their journey, they do not like to play the role of victim.

16 . Do not bother about what people think of you :


People's satisfaction is unattainable and God's satisfaction can't be left, this one old wisdom that you must put in your mind. that's why you must maintain doing the right thing no matter what the opinion of the people in it.

17 . Looking for the bright side :


Life may be full of failures, but if you can look at it on the basis that this gives you more experience then this success in itself.

18 . Accepting what can not be changed :


In life there are some things that do not change all that you can do about it, is to look at it differently if you can change the negative perception toward a certain position that is part of success.

19 . Change what you can :


As some of the things can not be changed, there are millions of things that can be changed if you want to succeed you must come to change all that you can change around you, this breaks the negative energy inside you.

20 . To be happy :


If you can really feel happy and satisfied inside you, this is the pinnacle of success and this has nothing to do with the house you live in or your account at the bank this is about your heart and what is inside it .

Finally, after I have finished, look for your success within those 20 points and post your points down below.


Don't Forget to Follow me @mohamedmashaal and Up vote the Post :).

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