Vaccine or not Vaccine

in #life7 years ago

Hello All,
I'd like to start from saying that this posts is supposed to be neutral. I'm young parent of 3 weeks girl and I just trying to understand better is it safe and beneficial for my daughter to get all scheduled vaccines. Not only because of more, and more voices from parents who's connect MMR with autism, but also because my little one has got PKD (polycystic kidney disease).

Starting from basics

So, what exactly vaccine is and what's it for? My believe, built on marketing information was, that vaccine is something that prevent you from specific diseases. But in reality it's (Wikipedia definition):

A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular disease. A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins, or one of its surface proteins. The agent stimulates the body's immune system to recognize the agent as a threat, destroy it, recognize and destroy any of these microorganisms that it later encounters.

What I understand from that is that vaccine tell my immune systems what kind of 'bad' patterns it need to look for and destroy. It's kind like a preseason matches for the team, so they will be prepared when the real one come.
And I think it's quite important to understand this - Prepare for the Game, not prevent it. Even in the pro-vaccince brochures you can find information, that vaccination doesn't decrease probability of getting sick. And that's getting me to another topic...


Epidemic is big argument used against anti-vaccince side. Quick look on Wikipedia for definition of epidemic to understand what we're talking about:

An epidemic (from Greek ἐπί epi "upon or above" and δῆμος demos "people") is the rapid spread of infectious disease to a large number of people in a given population within a short period of time, usually two weeks or less. For example, in meningococcal infections, an attack rate in excess of 15 cases per 100,000 people for two consecutive weeks is considered an epidemic.

And here is where logic start to disappear. Taking into account, that difference between vaccine and non-vaccine people is only how well they're going to fight back the disease, I don't get how refusing of taking vaccine can start an epidemic. It getting even worse, when you go online to find out more about the biggest epidemics. And I really try to avoid conspiracy theories here.

Safety and benefits

I heard that vaccine can be not safe, at the same time as most of us, when the connection between Autism and MMR came up. It's all history now, and officially it was fake. Was or not, it added different angle of view for parents of autistic children. It also generated a doubt in the vaccination system. And I think most of parents, myself included, just try to understand what is the best for their children. We just want to make sure, that doctors really know what they're doing. And I'm not 100% sure they do. Some because they get money based on number of vaccines injected and some even doesn't realise that it can be unsafe - not because they are not educated enough, but because sometimes, even producer doesn't know what is in the vaccine. Check the article about new vaccine test results. And what the Italian researches found are 'only' substances not known to producers !!! We need to remember, that mercury (thimerosal) and aluminium are used legally in vaccines - click here for more details. And while FDA says thimerosal is safe, cause human body can get rid of it quite fast, other researchers show opposite. With Aluminium it's harder to say. From one side test results we've got right now, shows that aluminium absorption is really low - from oral, inhale or even injection intake. But same researches show that with children there is different story and we really don't know what absorption to expect.


Make it personal

So in summary, I'd like to say, that based on data I could find I'm not 100% sure about safety of current vaccines. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it's unsafe for purpose. I think and hope that originally idea of vaccination was based on positive ideology and willingness to help others. But after big money start to be involved, they game is too big to be lose. And pharmaceutical corporations will try to cover up all downsides of their products, even the harmful one.
Even if I'm wrong, I still worry about my daughter. When I visit pediatrist, she told me that vaccination is really important in our case (PKD) as my daughter should avoid all possibles diseases. Firstly, we already know that vaccination doesn't guarantee that. Secondly, kidneys are to clear toxins from the body. So I don't quite understand, how is it beneficial for my daughter to make her kidneys to work harder just to meet vaccination schedules. Facts? Study published on CDC website shows that absorption of aluminium for children with renal failure are much more.


This post it's more about getting some solution then offer one. I really don't know what should I do? What's the best solution for newborn with PKD? All comments are welcome, specially one from people who know the topic.

Thank you All


I’m so glad that I found your blog about this topic! It’s drive me crazy on Facebook I’m almost avoiding FB so I don’t get emotional. People can be so rude name calling and being nasty there. Make it short: I am also a young parent of two. I’m not pro or anti vanccine. Like you I have my concerns and I’m studying more and more on the ingredients especially the heavy metal addictives effect on body. My first girl is vaccines which I delayed till she was 4 I felt more at peace when I know she is a lot stronger to handle bunch of biochemical+heavy metals injections. My second one is currently under one. I’m still hesitant, I don’t think I will vaccinate her till she is bit older. I’m currently reading Dr Paul Thomas “ the vaccine friendly plan” he is amazing!!! He will go into details on how to safely vaccinate your children at the same time prevent them getting injured from vaccines. ( if anyone tell me vaccines are 100% safe I only believe it! Just like someone can die from measles about 1/10000, there are kids dying from vaccines too! I hope the person would do more research!) also Dr Suzan Humphrey she is also brilliant. Although you will find she is very hard core against it. She use to be a pro vaccine till more research she has done discovered more and more dirty secrets behind the whole industry. Her and dr Paul Thomas, their knowledge experience and intention I have no doubt I’m listening to the right person. sorry about this long comment, this is just something I’m really interested in learning more and have an open minded discussion. We all want the best for our children( there are tones ppl out there would call me stupid or don’t love my kids) and that’s why we go that extra mile to ask questions, raise our concerns instead of just do what dr or government say.

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