in #life6 years ago



A man’s life is defined by a whole lot of things and his character is one of such definitions given unto him (man), whether good or bad. A man can either be loved or hated due to his character, as such, his character can either make him great or destroy him.

The character is the quality and feature that makes a person, group of people, and places different from others. It is like a choice in a man's life which distinguishes him from another.

A man's character is influenced by many factors, this could be psychological, social, emotional, environmental factor, etc.

Psychological factor

This is exhibited by man due to what he conceived or conceived in his thought, which could be good or bad. It is in our thought that every good and bad thing emanates from. Once the character could be affected by the very things he has in his mind, an example is a love. A man may choose to love a particular object, or person or thing because of what he holds in his mind about such object or person or thing. Same goes for hate, someone could decide to hate something out of nothing. the psychological factor is the strongest factor which really determines a man's character. A man’s belief forms part of his character, if he believes there is nothing wrong in giving to another, he's defined by that, and if he believes there is everything wrong in giving because it makes the other lazy, then he can be defined by that too.

Environmental factor

The environment we all come from contributes to creating character into or inside of us. Personally, I was born and brought up in a very peaceful home. because of that, I have learned to also seek peace at all cost. Many were brought up in a rather not too peaceful environment, and they tend to be the opposite of me. The environment affects a lot of our characters.

Stealing, killing, and lies are part of the character exhibited by people due to the environment they belong, if one stays in an environment where people fight regularly, then fighting becomes part of the person’s life, from fighting, one could get another killed. Environmental factor also influences the character in the area of parenting, friendship, etc. All relationship is inclusive. Any relationship whatever, both negative and positive influences character. Also, all places influence character too, therefore, there are two classifications of environmental factors influencing or affecting character;

Geographical environment

psychological environment

Geographical environment

This is seen to be the physical places things exists. It is important to note that certain things occur in the different environment. This might influence the behavior of certain species. In this context, you must also note that the exposed thing is, the more its character is being shaped by the collision, counter, and encounter, it has in relation to such environment. It is, therefore, worthwhile to think based on this context that environmental differences affect uniqueness in terms of character.

The weather itself has its way of influencing our character per time. Further consideration will be in the mind which leads to the next point;

Psychological environment

This is observed to be the way it actually affects us in terms of the mind. What we think about our environment and the way it makes us think. the change that occurs in our thinking faculty. It also has a lot to do with relationship. It basically influences the mind. It is the thought pattern, mind languages recorder, and modifier. A deep look on this will have a take on psychology and sociology.

Social factor

The social life of a man is one which also defines a man. Most people are introverts while some are extroverts. Someone who prefers to be alone could be seen by others as one who doesn't like associating with others, and so, such a person’s character could be defined as one other cannot go near, while the one who loves associating could also be defined as one who plays a lot.

Emotional factor

People who face depression tend to withdraw themselves from others, this in returns inflicts a lonely lifestyle which many do not wish to stay in public or to relate to people outside their family members.
A man may develop a negative attitude like “womanizing” out of maybe hurts in a certain time, maybe a woman had offended him and he swore to hurt women, he started with one but end up hurting many, and hurting of women becomes a part of his wish he could be easily defined by.

The human character or character is classified into two different section. these are; inborn or reflex or basic or heritage or inheritable and Artificial or habitual

Inborn character

An inborn character is one that a person starts exhibiting even as a baby or at birth, it may be unique or it may be not very unique. The origin of such character can be from the gene display which maybe was recessive in the predecessor. Such character is both involuntarily displayed or voluntary. It can be changed or modified if the individual wills or it can be developed. such characters are mostly the unique contours in human and even in animals. They can easily act in that order without much effort applied and it will feel as if it is done with ease.

Inborn characters are just reserved qualities of certain species of things or people, a common feature in a certain race of whatever creature. Some character many of us exhibit is as a result of our background, this is related to our blood, an example of such characterize stealing. some children are born, and at tender age start stealing with tricks and at times one wonders if those tricks were taught in the mother’s belle, no!, This is because the stealing nature of his blood or background runs in him.

Artificial character

An artificial character is one that a person or something suddenly starts exhibiting maybe because of pleasure or adoration. Characters are altogether a way of doing things in this context. It is our gestures as humans, the figure of speech and our reactions to life and its challenges, our reactions to situations and people and lots more.

The character is a complex reaction or action based on an occurrence. It may be unique and it may be general/common. The artificial character is shaped, produced and practicalized based on likes. Maybe a person, as a human being likes the way another person walks, talks, appears, etc. He or she may decide to mimic, if continually practicalized, may become part of such character in that individual. Some of this character can be temporary and some permanent. Nevertheless, characters are nothing less than qualities exhibited by or possessed in things or persons.


This has to do with passion, desire, guttural consideration and even maturity in life experience. It also has much to do with advancement in age and skills acquisition. A full-grown person, animal or some other species of living things, in general, may be different in terms of character exhibition by a young or little kind of their species. There is an adage that states “the steps of the prince is different from that of a mate”. Though they both are exhibiting the same act, the way they are doing it is purely different because one is going to the throne while the other to serve. Therefore, in terms of human, one who has the ambition of becoming a doctor cannot have much character similarities with the other that have the ambition of becoming a cobbler. Character can be shaped and modified by ambition.


This aspect has to do with the present. The thinks we suddenly fall in love with or things we love so much. Love has its way of attracting behavioral compulsions and configurations. Pleasures have its way of affecting our character positively or negatively per moments base on the condition present.


This has to do with beliefs and rules to be obeyed which directly and indirectly affects our character. It corrects and makes appropriate modifications to correct characters, as accepted. It is the shape in which any religion of the world believes to use in changing, modifying or killing character considered unacceptable in such religion as belief. Nevertheless, it is never a conclusion that it is the best tool as compared to the other factors which have more effects on majority based on its inevitable or unavoidable nature. But it is generally accepted that religion has much to do in terms of correcting characters than any other factor ever considered, I believe religion only has more tendencies to positively contribute to life and that makes people think of making religion their only way of change and modification in terms of character because of it positive tendencies to help and urge behaviours to an acceptable moral standard.


Character is a quality exhibited by everything both living and nonliving. It can be borrowed, it can be inherited. It can be temporary, it can be permanent. It can be exhibited positively, it can be done negatively. Character can only be dominant or recessive, it can never be killed but silenced. Any belief in killing a character is somewhat fallacious. No two creatures have an exact quality as considered by philosophy, psychology and other character studying discipline. The character, is, therefore, everything that exists in the world be it living or nonliving.

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