Epic Battles With Procrastination

in #life7 years ago

Sometimes you just dont feel like it, everyone has those days when you just dont wanna do anything! But what if you have those days everyday? What do you do?

For me it took a long long time to even realize where my lack of motivation was coming from! My level of procrastination was impressive! I am a pro at procrastination, and thats not a good thing. It comes from inside oneself, and its usually not a good place, whether its depression, or the feeling of "whats the point" or other factors, its usually a sign that whats going on inside your mind isnt healthy, so heres a couple of points and tips that helped me see through it!

Motivation is absolutley key! No matter how badly i didnt want to do something i would (and still do) give myself motivational speeches, tell myself that if i got whatever it was done i would feel much better about it instead of stressing over the task, stop thinking about the task at hand and just go do it. I still literally have to tell myself to go do something i know needs done.

I stopped giving myself excuses. Such as im so tired or this isnt that important. Whether it is important or not it still needs to be done. Whether your tired or not it still needs to be done. Putting something off usually only makes it build into a bigger issue either by stressing about it or the problem gets bigger itsself. So why not do it now while its on the brain.

I realized i was lazy and sad! Sad for no reason, and lazy because of it! To much lazziness is also a bad sign that you might not be all the way mentally healthy, when one can figure out why oneself is mentally unhealthy then you can start actually fixing the root of the problem. Lets be clear im not talking about the random lazy days or not feeling well and not wanting to do something, im talking about feeling this way the majority of the time, having the occasional lazy day can be nice! But usually I have found out that by doing the things I knew needed to be done it actually started to make me feel better. Call it a sense of accomplishement!

Anyways these are just a few things that have helped me along the way, I am still getting better everyday. No one is perfect but dont let stress and life get you down and ruin the pepp in your step!! Git R' done people! Much love from a broken but healing housewife!!

Any advice is still welcome! Any thoughts?? Please let me know!!

Picture from google.


My lack of motivation comes from depression. I'm currently looking for the key to unlock it. I will try the motivational speeches. Thanks!

Sometimes theyre in my head, sometimes I have to pysically stand in front or a mirror, depends on the day. Doing this has helped me a great deal, because ive come to realize that the only person standing in my way is me, so telling myself that and positive thibgs as well helps get the motivation going

I find breaking the task down into small manageable chunks helps. Then once each small part is ticked off, it feels good.

When looking at the task as a whole it can make me feel overwhelming and then I just put the TV on instead :-)

Yes!! Good point! Doing this helps a ton too!

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