in #life7 years ago


It is said that humans by nature fall in love with what seems forbidden, difficult and unattainable. During our childhood we are curious as a cat and we want to do what older people do; this is how all the previous joined and

I fell in love with cofee

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Six in the morning. Since I can remember that is the time when my mother wakes up and starts making noise in the kitchen. Minutes later, the sound of a spoon crashing into a cup while stirring sugar makes the rest of my family wake up.

Being the youngest of 3 children, I had to watch how my whole family could drink from that black drink, but I refused; they only offered me a glass of chocolate drink that did not satisfy my curiosity to know what was the taste of that smell that was able to wake me up.

It is say that the pitcher goes to the water until it breaks, but I mean the patience of my mother, who gave in to put her finger in the cup and put some drops on my lips to stop insisting. I could not describe that experience with words, I only know that it was magic for my senses, so much so that I kept asking and day after day that scene was repeated until a few years later I finally managed to get my first cup of guarapo (coffee nothing strong).

They always warned me that drinking coffee would hurt me, that I would end up being an addict, that I would not grow up and my teeth would turn yellow. What do you think? The old ones are not always right, because the teeth if they lost their natural target and I consider myself an addict, but I did not stop growing.

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I just started a relationship with an almost perfect woman; Yes, nothing is perfect in this world, because the beautiful lady does not like coffee. She does not understand me but I do to her, because the reality is that it is a drink that has no middle ground when it comes to tastes, or loves or hates; Every day I try to make him like it, I do not have it easy, but I know I will achieve it.

As an extra, I leave here some of its benefits:

  • People who consume more than one cup of coffee per day have a 12% lower risk of type 2 diabetes.

  • Coffee consumption reduces the risk of liver cancer by 40% and for those who drink 3 cups a day the percentage rises to 50%.

  • Prevents Parkinson's disease and can help control body movement in people suffering from this disease.

  • Moderate coffee consumption (2 cups a day) protects against heart failure.

  • Those who drink coffee daily have 20% less risk of stroke, so it can be said that coffee reduces the chances of stroke.

  • Men who drink four or more cups of coffee a day have a 60% lower risk of developing prostate cancer.

  • Drinking between 3 and 5 cups of coffee a day decreases the risk of clogged arteries and heart attacks



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