9 Things that happen to your body when you take 2 Bananas a day for a month
The brown color that can be observed in the skin of bananas is due to the levels of TNF that they contain at that moment. TNF or Tumor Necrosis Factor is a protein that helps detect and eliminate the abnormal growth of cells in the human body.
Essentially, this protein helps our immune system act directly on cells that experience some inflammation or infection.
Although the consumption of bananas is not a cure for cancer, it has been shown to help decrease the growth of tumors, in addition to helping our immune system in many other ways.
The banana is good for the next:
Bananas are a natural antacid. They are the perfect solution for those people who suffer from acidity during the day.
2-Blood pressure
Bananas are fantastic for your heart. They are low in sodium, very rich in potassium and even more rich in flavor. Including beneficial foods for your heart in your daily routine is a very good way to prevent possible heart attacks.
Packed with vitamins and minerals, bananas provide the perfect fuel before any physical task. Its high potassium content will also help prevent muscle cramps.
Bananas contain tryptophan, an amino acid that our bodies end up turning into serotonin. Normally we associate tryptophan with a sense of sleep, but it has been shown that when it is converted to serotonin, it helps people to relax.
It has been shown that the B vitamin found in bananas helps soothe our nervous system.
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