Busy day!
I've not known which way to turn today, I seem to have been so busy but got not much done.
I had such a lot I needed to do and unfortunately, I got up an hour earlier than usual and that's set me wrong for the whole day.
Add to that, I forgot to confirm the service for my car and now @s0u1 has to change his day off because they couldn't get me in on Monday as I thought I'd arranged - all I can say is it's a good job he reminded me to confirm the dates, otherwise we'd have been stuck on Monday, with a day off and all plans gone to cock.
I've been tired all day but the nosebleed I've had twice this week already hadn't shown up... I say hadn't...
Ah well, I would have put the t-shirt in the wash anyway...
And the first piece of kitchen paper wasn't quite enough... 'Jack The Ripper' wasn't here, I promise.
Image from http://fancaps.net/articles/2017/03/475/examine-anime-trope-anime-nosebleed/
It looks like it is... kitchen roll shoved up my nose, changing rapidly from white to vibrant red...
Time for bed, with any luck I'll not wake up to a red sticky pillow case - oh yuck!
I give up!
LOL, Goodnight!
really busy day! I hope I can avoid such stressful times :)
Haha, thank you. I usually avoid, but not today... Never mind, there's always tomorrow :)
Its alright. Every situation and occurrence has its reasons. Set back and relax :)
Thank you, I'm really tired today... early morning and late evening tomorrow too!
sending you positive energy!!!!:)
Thank you very much! That's appreciated :)
Keep your chin up! Literally, it helps relieve the pressure on your nosebleed.
Hoping you feel better today. (((hugs))) xox