How to get rid of excessive thinking and what are its side effects

in #life7 years ago (edited)

All of us exaggerate thinking about the different aspects of life, and complain sometimes of a lot of thinking and look for a way to get rid of excessive thinking. And because we think about many things, for example, if it is a decision we have to make, things we regret, thinking about ourselves or worrying about the future. We hang so much inside our heads and come to us feeling that there is no way out.


The American Psychological Association describes too much thinking as a repetitive and lengthy reflection of one's interests, experiences and things. Excessive thinking can lead to anxiety, self-indulgence and self-pity. Man is not born and has too much thinking. It usually acquires with time. Here are some points that explain how to eliminate excessive thinking.

How you can overcome the excessive thinking?

Creating awareness:

It is natural that excessive thinking takes the person away and makes him unaware that he is preoccupied with thinking. Creating awareness involves recognizing negative thinking circles when they occur. And to be deliberate awareness of excessive thinking. You will be able to control and stop thinking excessively when you monitor your thoughts and actions. Make sure you do not judge your thoughts or worry about excessive thinking.

Wear elastic strap to interrupt thinking style:

Your awareness of the extent of your excess thought makes you able to stop it. In addition, you can interrupt the thinking style by doing something physically. Wear a rubber band around your wrist to remind you of your over-thinking. Whenever you find yourself busy thinking too much, tighten the rubber belt gently. You can also switch the finger ring or clock from one hand to another to call your thoughts back to reality. Say to yourself "Stop" when you change the location of the ring or watch or while tightening the rubber band. I do this physical reminder constantly.

Replace negative thoughts:

Another tip to eliminate negative thinking is to replace your negative thinking with positive thinking after interrupting your over-thinking style. Repeat your positive thinking many times aloud or without a voice in your mind. If your thinking lasts longer, you should repeat this process many times. Over time, you will overcome the habit of negative thinking.

Talk to a trusted person:

There is also another solution to eliminate excessive thinking, which is to share your negative thoughts with someone you trust. This person can be a coach, mentor, counselor or friend. Such people can help you determine if you are overstated or not thinking, and they can also help you free yourself from negative thoughts. Consult your doctor if your over-thinking is associated with a healthy diet. Your problem may not be as bad as you think and all you need is someone who assures you that you are fine.


The over-thinking of your absence from events present around you. Keeping your mind busy keeps you from negative thoughts. Anything that requires attention may help you. This concern may vary between ordering your books alphabetically, drawing or calculating your annual expenses. This way you will gradually control your thoughts until you reach your desired goal.


During excessive thinking, you can not feel that you are practicing until negative thoughts come to you and absorb your emotional and mental energy. After all, if you think about eliminating your excess thinking, exercise is a solution. In addition to increasing self-confidence, exercise increases the secretion of the hormone Androfen and Sertonin, which reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. When you concentrate on exercising, it distracts your mind from negative thoughts. When you have extra ideas, do some exercise, bike or run for half an hour.

Make decision:

Sometimes excessive thinking comes from inability to make an important decision. Whether it is a divorce or a job offer, the decision is difficult. You may need to analyze some potential results until you reach the point of indifference to something. The most appropriate solution is to set a time for yourself whether it is half an hour or two to think about everything about a topic and when the time is close to completion the decision was made without any hesitation.


One way to get rid of negative thoughts is to write them down in a paper and then throw them away. You can also put yourself in the habit of thinking excessively at a rate of one to ten, that is, ten is the higher level of excessive thinking. Sign up for a full week to see if your thinking rate is too low.

Practice the intentional mind attention:

During excessive thinking, one can not communicate with the present. One way to get rid of excessive thinking is to train your mind on intentional attention. This includes hoping that you will concentrate in the present moment without trial for yourself. Just get to know your negative thoughts and then get rid of them immediately. If you need help you can turn to someone who has tried cognitive therapy based on the mind's attention or learned meditation techniques such as mental relaxation.

People are already on the spot:

How to get rid of excessive thinking? Do what you think, people may over-think about the difficult tasks assigned to them. The trick here is to start the project you want to do instead of thinking about it. Focus on your goal and schedule what you want to do so you can solve every problem on time. A step-by-step move will make you spend your money thinking about it.

Stop trying to reach perfection or control everything:

People think about things in exaggerated thought until they achieve perfect results. You take into account all possibilities to avoid falling. It is important to keep in mind that all people who have accomplished great things have sinned at some points. It is impossible to control everything and avoid any kind of error.

Thinking is a blessing from the grace of God that enables man to work with ideas and concepts. Thinking leads to logic and wisdom in making any decision and forming opinions. Unfortunately, however, with this great grace, we have a quorum of excessive thinking, which is considered one of the fatal activities of the mind.

Here are six side effects of over-thinking:

1- A dark corridor that does not have a light at the end of it. Too much thinking leads to entering a dark corridor with no bright end. It causes you psychological pain, guilt and trauma. Too often the thinking overload makes people ask themselves questions that have no answer and no solution to them and the process goes much to no avail and they wrap in the throat treadmill.

2- Loss of opportunities Many opportunities may be lost on a person 's amounts of thinking and this is due to taking him a long time in thinking which prevents him from responding quickly leading to success.

3- Anxiety and Depression The pessimistic view created by the mind leads to generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks and depression. To overcome anxiety, fear and depression, it makes them think that they end up resorting to unhealthy life systems that lead to greater anxiety in the future.

4- Pessimism and unhappiness Those who do not think are losing their ability to see the bright side of life and become pessimistic and see nothing but problems in their lives.

5- Insomnia When you study something with your brain it is difficult to sleep or rest in your sleep. When you do not find out who translates your thoughts, the drama will continue until the early hours of the morning, until fatigue and sleep are overcome. This pattern continues overnight after it leads to physical and mental disorder associated with chronic insomnia.

6- A complex life that overthought does not only make life more complicated, but it takes away life itself. Thinking can not replace the same act, and here it does not matter how much anxiety or thinking about the problem because it will not change anything, the person is wasting his time thinking repeatedly and thus robbing him of life nothing.

In the end, do not make thinking about life and its problems take all your time. Be positive, be effective and do not hesitate to make your decisions. Thinking excessively will not prevent you from making mistakes, but it is wrong to let thinking give you an action and success in it.


Over thinking is very dangerous in real life situation, especially when it comes to decision making.

i will prefer u to do some yoga it si very help full

One never can repel an EGOIC thought by thinking it or not thinking it because attachment to the pain body still exists. Only substituting sprititual action thoughts works over time. So yes Yoga can do wonders fr your mind

Sounds so easy ;-) But you are absolutely right, thinking about what could be and how this would potentially change everything is mostly negative. You live today and not yesterday and also not tomorrow.

Thanks for the advice I really need that now. I usually do exercise and that gives me some peace of mind for few minutes.

I have figured out that driving in silence also really helps👌

Excellent advice, especially about replacing negative thinking. I'm a big believer in that

Great post @michaelmorcos. Joseph Campbell talks about the "Hero's Journey from the Head to the Heart". When we are guided by our heart and intuition, the intelligent mind can find an aligned way to go forward, instead of being lost in a maze of thoughts.

Paralysis by analysis gets me all the time.

Very informative post on how to maximise one's happiness. Thanks for the post

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