When Compassionate Heart Blooms

in #life6 years ago







I’m transgender women who live in this world of full of judgemental people. Grow up in a broken family and live as a typical human being on how to deal, taking challenges and survive day by day in what we called LIFE.

My life is like roller coaster it’s actually ups and down but mostly always down. But I still hold on to keep going forward and believe in positivity, to have faith and learn more and more about living. Specially the moment I appreciate and enjoying the Art of Life.

I’m a very empathetic person and always try my best to connect and understand complicated situation in my own interpretation. I have so much ambition, dreams and goal in life that refuel my heart and soul and believe that it’s really nice to live in this world despite of negativity happen in our life from the past.

I always feel pity and heartbroken for those unfortunate people but it’s always more about emotional impact for me yet I haven’t done any action. I don’t know how or where to start…

Until one day the moment that I was so very busy into my life, into myself and working so hard for my own reason I finally met “Heart BREAKS” as a my personal problem. I feel devastated, broken, down, I feel the sorrow and I cannot find a great word to describe how to express the meaning of this PAIN.

I’m a very sensitive person, dedicated and old fashion. It took me so long to healed and meet serenity, until one day VOLUNTEERING gives me a calling to my soul and my wounded heart to do something that has a purpose.

So I decided to join a Charity work called Portraits of Love for the kids who battled in CANCER. That was my very first attempt to do charity work and offer myself for the people and understand the deeper meaning of giving and the other point of view of LOVE and helping.

It’s very eye opening, shaking your heart to love more and waking up to be a compassionate person to be a VOLUNTEER. It give me so much wider understanding how fortunate I’ am or we to those people who struggle 10times more struggling into our own problems. My hear is bleeding hearing those mothers who I sat down and talk with regards their kids I played and assist. Why? Hearing that every minute they ask God, they pray to extend the life of their kids and obviously they show their affection and give their strongest love for their son/daughter to feel it. In which the Life of these kids can be stole in a second or the fact that they don’t have assurance how long they can live or 100% sure cured/cancer free.

This is totally makes me feel what LIFE is all about, the love of the mother for their kids , yearning to cure and save them into death and live longer to share LIFE.

It really taught me a lot, so much realization and touches my heart and soul to embrace doing charity. It gives me courage to fight sadness because I need to be strong in front of these kids rather than to feel hurt in their situation, to feel pity with their battle and show them crying. It really needs me an extra strength to smile while playing with them, to inspire them in which there are truly the inspirations for us normal people. Because they have additional struggle facing day by day to assure that they can still smile, waking up for a new tomorrow and seeing their families at the young age. I did my best to be brave to laugh with them, to be neither their brother nor a sister in that time to let them feel they are special and loved. They are truly a warrior, an angel and deserve to love and they actually teach us to learn more to be a better person treasuring life.

Many youth and people are selfish, they are focusing in luxuries, having a new iphone, updated gadgets, and luxurious cars, expensive bags, being materialistic, greedy in time and attention and also being insensitive.

These things make me learn good lesson to open more my door and keeps my willingness flaming to join and be active in any charity works at my best. The moment you realize that Volunteering in Charity can fill your heart with love, it is the moment when compassionate heart blooms and make you transform to enjoy life in sensible and good purpose way of living for these people who needs your love, care, attention and time. And those are priceless sharing yourself and learn by giving to make other happy and change life doing good deeds without any expectation or repaying back.

For running almost 3 years doing charity works in different organization and joining independently makes my heart love wider and stand to the spirit of spreading love and kindness. Visiting home for the aged, joining feeding program for hunger kids and street people, joining the advocacy teaching kids under the bridge, helping individual people who needs help, encouraging youth and other fellow friends to do volunteering and many more that reflect an act of kindness. I’ll never stop doing charity work and always have a heart for the people. We need to be a voice of kindness despite of bad things and negativity around; we need to show more the beauty of Charity and encourage each and everyone to be a “VOLUNTEER” and stand up for HUMANITY. And by us it will be visible and break the silence of goodness. And I’m proud to be a dedicated Volunteer.



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Thank you for appreciation @jlkreiss and up-vote this genuine story from my heart :) Followed you already. Thank you for noticing my Blog content.

Thank you for sharing your story. It's so inspiring. Keep doing your charity works for less fortunate people. They will appreciate your good works and they will not forget you because of your good heart. 😊

The heart doesn't expect anything to repay back but to continue to do good things and im still doing Charities until now and soon more and more. Thank you for reading and got my message regards VOLUNTEERISM :)

We think that it is awesome what you are doing.

It is when we volunteer and give freely that we truly feel human.

Thank you for a kind of word and appreciation!

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