
Ill provide some breakfast pictures tomorrow.

I was still sleep walking and forgot to get you the pictured this morning. I will be more attentive this afternoon and get them for you.

Hahaha. Thanks and take your time.... no hurry! I love cats, we don´t have though because I have an allergy when I´m near them. We live in a row house in Vienna and our neighbor from left and right have cats.. our garden gets to be their playground and they always visit us daily- one sit on the lap of hubby as if she was our own, but is so jealous of Lily, mom in law´s chihuahua that they had a fight when they first saw each other...Later, they have respected each other and even saw face to face a meter apart. Geisha , the black cat was put to sleep because of her intestinal problem.

The video is ready and posted. Along with a rundown of most of the cats.

IO hope you enjoy it. And the cool think about a cat video is they won't aggravate your allergies.

Thanks, I saw it already...very heartwarming what you and your wife are doing fostering those tiny lovely creatures.. the rewards will come back to you both. Just in case you haven´t read my other comment... voted you as witness already... Thanks for sharing the video...

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