Bullying - The damage it causes, It must stop!
Bullying is commonly done in the way of name calling, shaming others for being different and unfortunately often violence. I can write this blog with accuracy as I have been a victim of bullying in the past, for a very big part of my life.
I was bullied for most of my childhood, I was a bit different as I have Asperger's Syndrome. I didn't act really different but enough to be noticed and as I didn't stand up for my self, It only got worse. It last almost my whole school life from age 9 -16 and to add salt to the wounds, I was bullied also at work from 16 up until I was 22 until I finally started to learn how to stand up for my self.
So in total I was bullied for 13 years, it was at its worst at school but sometimes it was quite bad at work too and this combined with trouble at home led me to develop severe anxiety, ocd and depression. I quit my job, lost my home and was extremely alone. Now 3 years on I'm having therapy and things are slowly getting better.
All this suffering because society hasn't challenged the view of or punished bullying enough. When I was at school I was taken out of the class if I was bullied because they had enough of it. I was always being bullied so they removed me instead of the bully because they couldn't do anything about that child. Things are only slowly getting better but not enough is being done.
A lot of children and even many adults think that joking about someone's appearance, behaviour, the way they live there life is just a joke but its not. Deep down most know that it won't be nice for those people and sometimes the bully is doing this to make them selves feel better about something bad happening there life. It can be a vicious circle and it needs to stop as generation after generation is being damaged.
Sometimes the bullied people become bullies to survive and think its normal to be like this to others. All that negativity has a ripple effect, it effects the person being bullied, then that person releases that negative energy in various ways, I often released that anger at home and even though my parents tried to get me help at school, they just didn't listen.
Its not just about changing how schools deal with bullying, its how accepted it is in society and about teaching future generations how harmful it is and effective ways of dealing with people who bully others rather than take away or allow those being bullied to have to keep changing schools or jobs.
We are all different and are all equal, as a society we should try to get as close to 100% of people as possible seeing it like that. Then maybe less people will get mentally ill and in those extreme cases of bullying, lives will be saved from people no longer seeing suicide as a way out of being horrifically bullied.
Thanks for reading,
Stay Strong,
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