in #life7 years ago

So you have a 9-5 job, all seems well and good your alarm buzzes off in the early hours of the morning, you initially feel to lazy to get out of bed so you hit the snooze button for another 10mins......tic toc tic toc and bam the alarm starts screaming again and in your mind you are like really? 10mins already? then the reality hits you that you have a tight schedule and any slight delay would ultimately alter the whole plan for that you gather yourself out of bed straight to the white your morning portions in the white house flush it all away, grad your toothbrush and paste get your mouth al cleaned up from the stench of a close or opened mouth of inactivity the previous night jump into the shower and try to take a hurried but not proper bath because time is of the essence here

Now you all dripping with water.........grad d towel and get dried up put on your clothing and shoes and dash to the kitchen for a hurried breakfast where your wife is putting finishing touches to all that and getting the kids ready for school also you kiss her good morning take a slice or two of toast bread, chew hurriedly on it and down a cup of hot tea to wash down the toast bread you kiss your kids and wish them well and dash down to the car to start the engines.......then you realize you have forgotten your cellphone a device that practically controls your whole existence right now.......a quick rush up the stairs to the bedroom and you grab it and are off to work

driving along racing down the streets cos you know time is of the essence and if you dont make it out in a set time you gonna be stuck in traffic and ultimately late to seems a good day as you make it in time and hit the highways and you zoom off and in 30mins you just arrive 5 mins to resumption of duties at the your day is going all well and good files on your table and your are crunching the numbers and getting things done the clock is ticking away and before you realize it its close of you say to yourself didn't even realize the time was running so fast.

your shutdown your system for the day meet with some friends to discuss issues both work related and other personal matters over a couple of drinks then your phone starts ringing its the wife and she is reminding you to get some items for the house when you coming back home.......just then you realize you had fixed an appointment with some people over a business proposal say to yourself you grab your car keys bid our friends goodbye and zoom off to the meeting only to arrive there and its almost done with.....but as luck would smile on you that day you are on the nick of time when your contribution is rightly needed........which you deliver on seal the deal and are so filled with joy in your heart.

The excitement is so much you get home only to realize you have forgotten the message your wife gave to you earlier on you climb up but use a strategy to break forth the good news to her of the deal you just signed and use that as a tactics to beg for her forgiveness and of course she concedes and is happy for ask after the kids and they are all fast asleep you go to their rooms and give them kisses on their foreheads and whisper to their hearing......."goodnight my angels daddy loves you" get to your bedroom and time is far spent you are just too tired to realize it that you actually dose off in your office clothes only to wake up to the sound of the alarm and its a new day and you are like........really

that is just the sad reality of the viscous rat race cycle we almost all find ourselves caught in