The End Of The World

in #life7 years ago


Daddy, it's not the end of the world you know.

Said my little lady reassuringly.

What's not the end of the world lass?

Said I, in that well meaning but condescending way that comes naturally when you are a parent of a child that can speak.

The animals in the movies always think it is but it's not. You know, like the dinosaurs.

Ah yes, the dinosaurs.

Yes Daddy, you know. There are earthquakes and meteors and they always think it's the end but it always goes on.


Ah yes, you're right. They always think it's the end of the world but it never is!

That's right Daddy, it never is.

I patted the little lady on the head. Glad that we had sorted all that out.

She looked up at me with wide open eyes.

When will the earth die daddy?

The earth what? Oh for flippity flip. What was happening in this house? Her mummy was turning into a flower munching hippy and now it seemed like my daughter was becoming the death singer.


Oh don't worry lass, the earth won't die for a very long time. A very long time indeed.

There that should sort her.

But it will die.

Well not necessarily, I mean who is to say it won't last forever?

I know, it's a bit of a white lie but I thought it would head us off at the pass.

This time when she looked at me her voice was hollow and her eyes deep in shadow as she uttered a message from the universe itself. Her voice was deep and echoed from the depths of infinities incomprehensible to man.



Oh sweet jeebus. Was she Kali? Had we unwittingly birthed the lord of death into the world? Had we in fact hastened the end of the earth by bringing into being the catalyst of it's destruction?

That's a bit extreme lass, who told you that?

Whoever it was was going to get it in the neck from me. They should be telling her about ponies and sweet kittens. Not such nihilistic thoughts of doom and despair.

You did Daddy! You told me everything dies.

Ah. Silly Daddy. When will I learn.


Mis hijas me hacen muchas preguntas a veces cuando estoy ocupada respondo sin pensar, luego mi respuesta es usada en mi contra, jajaja. saludos amigo, te tenia un poco abandonado, he estado muy ocupada estos días. Saludos y bendiciones para tu familia.

sí, ¡sí hacen eso! ¡Saludos para ti! ¡Sé lo que es cuando se pone un poco agitado!

Wow, it's uncanny how closely related the things she's saying is to the things my daughter was saying at that age. I remember being concerned and impressed at the same time that she could fathom such big concepts so young...but yes, I preferred her to think about unicorns farting rainbows lol!
flower munching hippie hee hee, I keep returning to that dialogue in Jed's post...and to be honest I half believed you were kidding about the wife as a doula. The good doula, ah, life is so full of funny twists isn't it? hee.

Sometimes I wish I was kidding! She has gone quiet on it, it doesnt mean it has gone away though. It wouldn't be for quite a while that she did the training as she would have to return to her old work first so that they didnt dock her the miserly pay that she did het. A complex affair!

It is both horrifying and amazing at the same time the things they can grasp!

Children their minds are like dry sponges soaking up water, they take in learn and remember everything they hear and see. Their parents their closests and greatest teachers.

Sometimes the echo of their knowledge is a reminder of that. :-)

Always fun to hear a swearing word returning for instance, in a way everybody in the room will look at you with a reproachful look and not at the little one who just said it.

It is great though, I think, the minute the offspring starts to talk, speak their mind, share their beautifull open minded inner thoughts.

Death is part of live, no need to slap yourself in the neck for it. ;-)

Its a whole diffrent ballgame once they start talking. I love hearing some of the concepts that comes out of her mouth. I keep thinking, was I like that? in that mad way that parents have where they think their kid is gifted lol!

She entertains without end!

It is indeed. My daughter is a half way teen. A whole different era and it is awesome too.

Hm, yeah and I still do think she is very gifted with many talents. :-) Think that's part of the unconditional love thing coming with parenthood.

It is a beautifull thing to witness upclose, your offspring growing up.

It absolutely is. I am constantly amazed at how amazed I am by it all. It really is something else. I can imagine the constant changing of it all as they get older as you have experienced and it still being amazing. Topernoony!

Had we unwittingly birthed the lord of death into the world?

I feel like that roadside prophet everybody just passes haha At this point, I'll take any virtual thing as recompense. Everything's selling like gangbusters, eventually even a virtual hug might be worth a pretty penny.

Your little lady seems to be firmly ensconced in that age where kids ask all of the profound questions that scholars have debated about for centuries. That's good. At least she'll be past that once little Boom grows to that age. First she was asking you not to die, now she's asking if the world does to. There is hope for us yet!

Hopefully she can field the little boom's death and disaster questions when he is if that age.

She certainly is quite a curious one. It's hard keeping up!

Ahaha! Aww bless your soul, brohem. By the time Little Boom has grown to be a formidable hill, your little lady would already be entering her "ugh I'm too cool for everything" phase. And, she would most certainly be "too cool" to be answering questions from her little brother. You're out of luck it seems. So, get your reps in with the little lady so that you're stretched out when the baby grows up.

Priceless. My first thought upon further read, was "uh oh, daddies last, night-time discussion has birthed a whole new world of destruction and mayhem". Ya just can't win.
Loved it all, but the flower munching hippie (I live in the center of that universe and have been referred to similar fare by the less-than-very liberal) and the diva cracking the earth were the cat's guffaw (better than a meow by 10).

Hehe, I love to throw around hippy style insults. If only because at heart I believe that I am a bit!!

I will take a cats guffaw!

Much better than a furball. And I think we're all hippies somewhere at heart.

hahaha Oh dear, you must also remember children NEVER forget anything you say! lol They are like wives, but worse xD

Lol, like wives but worse... you're right!! :0D

It really gets scary when they start asking difficult questions that you do not really want to answer, but have to.

I know, is best in the long run but it still doesn't feel great

They are worse than an elephant. They NEVER forget what they are told, when it is least convenient they can retell exactly what you said so casually that has now turned around to bite you on the bum, unless it is something they don't want to do, then they can't remember from one second to the next.
Girls are worst.

In there case I am glad number two is a boy. That little difference will make all the difference!

Sweet kid believes on whatever she hear, that's the great opportunity to give them the most valuable lessons of life but maybe not too complicated! 😂

You see earth will die oneday has lots of complicated reasons, if you can explain them to her all gracefully then it's all gold but if you think about the time and effort it will take then most of us back to explain them everything there is. Also their questions are sometimes funny also irritating when they can't understand what you are saying! 😂

That's the thing I always hate when you decide to just go for it and then try don't understand your explanation but get upset anyway!

Yeah I had been to that feeling quite a lot of times with people my age too hehe, I'm an agnostic atheist so try that with a stubborn religious person 😁 you get it, it's disaster!

As I can feel in the past I had discussion like yours with kids and yeah you have to rephrase your words before you can say it to them because after you've said it their questions might put you off instantly! 😂

I have had similar struggles that you have had I think, the disastrous ones ;0)

Yes, I have saw myself all proud then I say something that triggers another million why's. Which reminds me. Thankfully the why stage is mostly done!

If I would have children they would be either grow up really though or really emo as I would not twist around the subject and just say what I really think... I should not have children

Hehe, it would and will surprise you. I used to think the same and I still say it like it is but tone it down ever so slightly for my own sanity!

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