Taylor Swift: an animation

in #life7 years ago


We have all been there, you know, the night is banging. Then someone asks for Taylor Swift.

Well, in an ideal world...



Bwahahaha ! Love it !! He Was Pretty SWIFT ! LOL! 💕😂😂😂😂😬

Upped and Resteemed !

Hehe cheers lass, cool gif!!

LOL! Thank you my friend , I sent you a message in steemit chat about a new account I just started yesterday !! @momskitchen !💙👍

Really! Was it late? I was on last night, will have a look when I get home from work :0)

ok cool thanks ! No I just put it there , no worries ! 👍👍👍💕

...then he started playing Taylor J. Swift.

AH HA HA HA HA and the record comes flying in this kills me

Nobody enjoys that ;)

Lol, you are funny!! I love the backdrop to where you play!

your stick man is evolving and getting more colorful!
are you using the same app?
bloody anime this one!
how about Britney ? would your DJ throw a cd to the guy too had he asked for Brit?

It would be exactly the same for Britney!

Hehe, yeah the same app. I am just sometimes a wee bit more adventurous with it!

A fabulous place!

It is a great place to go and get messy. All kinds of foolishness in the shed. You can open the door and choose your method of madness. You're welcome anytime ;)

I have now tried the app you use for your animations and all I can say is.... holy moly you are a man of patience!!

I mean, I thought your animations were very cool before, but I now have a new found respect... I managed to do 3 frames that didn't match up before getting an overwhelming urge to throw my phone out the window.

Also Taylor Swift is very tall. That's the extent of my knowledge of her and her music ha!

Aw!! I really like it when someone tries the app!!! You are the second person this week who had tried it and told me. It is a tortuous thing to create them I must admit!! :o)

I have never trusted tall women. Something suspicious about them. All that leg. Up to no good I'll fancy.

I tried.. and failed... more than once!

It's quite tough isn't it! I was speaking to someone in my work who tried it too and they were horrified by the fact there was so much drawing!

Add me to the fail club, no phat phumbs but a long way short of a ball travelling through a maze on my sons DSi flipnote app.

Its just practice :O)

It's more frustrating than trying to get my kids to brush their teeth in the morning! I'll never look at an animation in the same way again... :)

Hee hee, you are right to have your suspicions. Tall women are a mischievous lot... striding around with their cunning plans and all that extra air up there. XD

Oh man, who ever would have thought that one of life's great challenge would be getting your kids to brush their teeth. It's like a daily fight with my daughter!

It probably is the air!! I think the atmosphere is different at such climes!!


Yep, if I had a penny for every time I've uselessly and redundantly shouted TEEEETH!!! in the last decade....!!

Oh dear, its so hauntingly familiiar!!!

Skeletons , morbid animations , .... ! Who are you ? :-)))
but Nice Post , meesterboom !

I am a maniac!!! :0D

Aaah , good !!! rolflmao.


You win the best post of the day--by a country singer mile.

Wayhay!! I will take that!! :0D

I was a bit nervous making that comment--I didn't want you to send me the "good post" animation. Then I figured if I got it, I would also get a second good laugh so it would all work out in the end..

Hehe, oh no. I would never send you that! That is reserved for the people who only say the two words!!!

Besides, this isn't a good post, it's a very good post! I see you've been on your Android app again @meesterboom. They're so amusing to see. How long does it take to create an animation such as this? You've mentioned before that it's quite an undertaking.

I started this one on Monday. And did about an hour then an hour odd last night and an hour odd tonight, so almost four hours I would say. This one took a bit longer because of the lights :O)

And thank you!

It's so detailed my slow internet is having trouble loading it right now! Amazing work!

Oops! That's the problem with the GIFs, they are a bit intensive picture wise!

jajaja nice animation @meesterboom

Thank you very much!

Oh holy shit you made me really laugh with this one. Death by record is probably too kind. Next time just press the button that opens the trap door over the sharks with lasers on their heads. They can take care of the Taylor Swift fans for you :)

You know thats a pretty fabby idea! If only I could draw a decent shark! lol

I thought it was me that did the blood, guts and gore? That's quite brutal!

Well done!

I used to make them much more bloody!

Hmm... I may have to search them out ;)

Hehe, they are easy back!

AHAHA! The look of horror on the DJ's face was so precious haha! The way it turned into epiphany was so good! My granpappy always said you can never trust a guy with a spike mohawk, a goatee and stubble as other facial hair with regard to choosing songs! I always found it weird how specific it was, but to this day he hasn't been wrong haha!

And the players gonna play play play play play... mmmmm mmmmm

That last line, its so haunting, so familiar. It makes me just want to... I dunno. Shake, shake, shake it off!

Oh yeeeeeeeeah!! Go Boom! Go Boom! It's your birthday! Is it your birthday? Wait, no! It's not your birthday! But shake it like it's your birthday!

Never mind those haters. I'm told that's just what they do constantly. They just hate, hate and hate.

Hahaha, of us you are in the flow now. I shall do just that!

Pure savagery! Kill throw!

Only one needed!! :)

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