Stop That!

in #life7 years ago



My daughter jumped. I jumped. In fact most people in ear shot jumped. It was a loud shout and we all looked over to see what the disturbance was.

A fierce and red faced woman was hauling at her son's arm. She was employing that whipping a rope technique which seemed to be causing him a bit of discomfort. He looked to be about four.


He was standing next to a display with some free crackers on it to try. The temptation was obviously too much and he tried to reach a hand up again.

His mum (I think?) grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and shouted spittily next to his face that he had better


My daughter looked on agog. I don't think she was used to seeing a parent haul their kid about like a lobster they were pulling out of the sea or shouting at them with a face an aubergine would be proud of.

There is a mischievous streak in me. It's quite a wide streak and I found I couldn't help but remark to my daughter quite loudly.

Ooft, you will be glad that's not your mummy darlin, eh?

The lady of the purple face looked up sharply. Like a shark in a tin can.

I met her gaze and gave her a wink and a feral smile. Smoke bellowed from her nostrils and the portrait of myself I keep hidden in the attic aged several years as she glared at me.

Me and my girl carried on shopping. We had family staying to help with childcare and chillis had to be purchased to make a fine and spicy feast for them.

We hauled our bounty out to the car park. By a twist of fate our car was quite close to aubergine woman who was yelling at her child whilst loading her shopping into the boot.

I asked my little one to hop into her car seat which she did with gymnastic perfection. As I closed the door on her and made my way round to the drivers side the purple flump flounced over closer.


I suppose you think you were being funny in there?

I think she was attempting to be confrontational.

A hundred cheeky or funny ripostes flitted through my mind but as I looked at her and her lost eyed child some yards behind her I could only shake my head and reply.

No. I am afraid I wasn't.


"Like a shark in a tin can" Ahahahaha, I love it, mate! Found you through your Saturday Beer post, this is the third post of yours I've read and I'm already hooked. Your personality really comes out through your writing and you have quite the way with words, I'll be tuning in daily!

Top notch man! Thank you very much. I quite liked that turn of phrase myself!

How wonderful. I see all sorts of low quality parenting when out and about too, and my little girl (3) often makes the comments. She did a blinder the other day when she saw some horrible chav woman shouting at her kid (probably no older than 3 or 4) in the park over absolutely nothing other than the fact that she (the mum) couldn't control her own internal anger. My daughter says, quite within earshot of her "she's not very nice talking to her little one like that daddy. I'm glad I don't live at her house".

From the mouths of babes.....!!!!

Hehe, awesome. My daughter has done some similar things. Why is she shouting at her baby daddy and the like. Out of the mouths of babes indeed!!

Meesterboom strikes again!! I love looking at your pictures that you made with photo editor and/or photoshop, whichever. Keep posting funny stuff, meesterboom!!

All made on my phone! :O)

Cheers man!

What do you use, out of interest? I've finally upgraded to a phone that can do this kind of stuff, feels like I've been missing out.

There are loads of cool editing apps out there. I use about four or five. PicSay Pro, pixlr express are the main ones

Thanks, I'll check them out

What is incredible is that if people witness one adult treating another that way, someone might intervene... but with children many look the other way. I hope your comments gave that parent some momentary self reflection...

They do don't they! That's the bit that gets me as well. I hope she reflects on it too but I doubt it

Funny post. I hear parenting is quite a painful but hilarious thing!

Painful, hilarious, knackering. .. Its a long list but worth it in the end :O)

They put kids on leashes around here so you don't have to yank their arm! LOL

I have seen the leashes. When ours was younger I contemplated getting one but the missus went nuts at the idea!! Hehe, she is a very modern parent

Another great work dear friend @meesterboom, every home is world dear friend, if that is the reaction of a mother in public I imagine what life should be like inside the house
Have a great day

Ha, I aint never seen that one before! Excellent!

And thank you for visiting @jlufer, Yo uare right she will be a maniac behind closed doors

That was entertaining.

I wonder what the kid really did!?! (Observation is futile without proper context)

Oh I saw, he was just trying to eat lots of the free crackers. He obviously went over an invisible line!

I wonder if she feeds him at home? Or maybe he is a glutton (one of the seven deadly 4 yrs old haha)? Or did he misbehave a dozen times before eating the crackers and that was the last string?

You never know it could have been the last straw in a series of things!! I suspect not though!!

Fun read anyways :)

As always, another fine story sir. I always find it frustrating as hell the way some parents treat their children, when as we all should know children learn the most about behaviour from their parents. So if the parents are dicks... well the kids probably will be as well.
On the other hand, I'm sure your little ones are incredibly well behaved and hopefully tell amazing stories just their old man ;)

She already tells fantastic stories. So she is in the right track hehe :0)

It's a very true thing though. Behavior is indeed learned and if the parents are dicks then the children will learn it as you say!

Oh, she got burned!

I like how you turn everyday stories into captivating reading. It's a gift @meesterboom!

Aw thanks!! I like to put my twist on it and I am glad that it elevates it beyond humdrum!

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