Scales of Justice

in #life5 years ago (edited)


Kick your shoes off and hop on the scales then.

Gym-Chick smiled at me and gestured over at the scales which stood in the corner of the small office we were in.

I had been in my new gym for a few weeks and rather bizarrely had decided to take them up on their offer of a free health check and goals setting session.

Do you know your weight offhand?

She prompted me as I stood there.

Um yeah, of course. I mean, it's been a while since I checked but I'm ok with my weight, really.

I said as I stared at the scales as if hypnotised.

What is it roughly then?

She asked as if she wasn't an interrogating bastard.

Erm, twelve and a half stone. Roundabouts, I think

I muttered, looking at the ceiling.

Gym-Chick cocked me an appraising eye as if I were a horse she wished to ride the hills with.

Doesn't do any harm to know exactly. Besides, I need to know to work out your BMI and other things.

She said brightly

I grimaced and my shoulders twitched as if someone was pressing a cold spoon on my haw maws.

Erm. So you want me to hop on the scales? I've got my clothes on and stuff?

Much to my bewilderment,I realised I was stalling.

Not just stalling, I was bluffing too.

What the hell was wrong with me? I mean, I am a veritable God among men. So handsome and chiseled that even guys look at me and want to be at the wife-end of some penisery.

Oh that doesn't matter, it's only shorts and a vest. Just take off your shoes and hop on the scales and we will see what the damage is.

Gym-Chick smiled at me with teeth that were whiter than a sexy ghosts breast milk.

The damage is? What the fuck did she mean by that? What fucking damage? I had a quick scan down my beloved body and snorted with pleasure at the sight.

It was fucking lovely.

Come on then?

Gym-Chick was starting to frown as if she was starting to suspect that I had shat in her handbag.

I gave a faltering smile and attempted to move toward the scales.

My feet however, had other ideas and did not budge.

I stood there. Frozen to the spot. Staring at the scales in horror.

It was such a simple request and yet I could not bring myself to do it.

Come on then, let's find out?

Gym-Chick gave me a little prod.

Fuck. There was nothing for it. She would have to die.

It would be a kindness really. A quick chop to the neck would probably be quickest. Or maybe an axe kick? Or, should I jump to on the desk and throw myself off it and clothes-line her?

Listen, we really have to get a move on here. I have another appointment after this one.

She said, breaking my reverie.

I snapped my head back and forth like a drunken Badger. There was no way out. I was fucking trapped.


Reluctantly, I stepped forward and onto the scales.



Your hypermetabolism has kicked back in and you're dangerously underweight? D:

Seriously why on earth were you scared of a tiny pair of scales that you could easily pick up and yeet out the window XD

Unless they were one of those scales that measured height and weight at the same time, that might be a bit harder as it generally won't fit through most standard windows and might be heavy.

They were just scales! They kept the scary measure everything ones in another bit of the room. These were digital but just scales.

And why!!! Because they showed me the numbers of HELL!!! :OD

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I think you are the only man I have ever heard of that has voluntarily done a health checkup thing. My husband did one this year, but his work paid him to do it. My husband is a fairly small guy. I weight 120 lbs, and he has about 10 pounds on me. He tells me that ten pounds extra is all his penis. I think I will introduce him to your word penisery. He's going to love it.

Penis is a rabbit hole of a word. Once you start using it, you just cant stop!

I bet than ten pounds is solely penis. Like a damn skinned rabbit!!

And yeah, it was free and I was bored and thought, fuck it, let them tell me how amazingly fit I am.

Why didn't they!!!

When I was 17 I boxed welterweight (147 lbs) Today at 74 I weigh (147 lbs). I do have to admit to some settling though, my once admirable shoulders are now around my waist... that's what I left out of my brag: at 17 my waist was 28, now it's 33.

Ah but that is admirable man!!!

When I was 20 I was 74 kilos, I only know that because I did Kung Fu and in the contests if you went over 75 kilos you moved up to heavyweight and it was full of monsters.

I am so over that now!! Give me three months and I will be back on form!!

There you go... unfortunately, at my age "form" is just a fond memory!

You know, instead of working and sweating, you could the over the truckers diet: Ruby Reds! You spend $69 and you receive of dried granulated fruits and vegetables mixed with redwood tree sawdust. You mix it with water and drink it twice a day for a week or two. If it is the first time you use it, you'll drop about 1 and 1/6th stone on your first crap (20 pounds american or just under 10 kilos)

I have never heard of such a thing!! I am off to start googling. I love a good something new!

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Oh man, did you go into the gym not wearing anything on the bottom half again; “GymChick: Oh that doesn't matter, it's only shirts and a vest”; disgraceful Mr.Boom!!

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Hot damn, how did that one get past me!! Yes indeed, it was shirt and vest. It was actually my penis that are weighed and it was a heavy beast!! :0D

!ENGAGE 50 !

Urghhh mental image! Careful with that tom foolery in public now we have viral pandemics!

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Your think I should put s mask on it? Blimey, well, I'll try anything!

You should have used the monster to prod her back!

That would have been a nice thing. She was a damn hottie, I tell ya!

I had an experience with an REALLY hot doctor. I thought I had picked up an STD so I went to the hospital. This incredibly hot doctor hands me a slide and tells me to "milk a drop onto the slide." Of course it was a false alarm and nothing came out. The doc decides to try and when she grabbed hold of Mr. Happy... SCHWANG!!!

Hehe, she is lucky that when she asked you to milk a full you didn't go full on udder tugging!!

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nope put mine away - use to be skinny my whole life and then menopause kicked in and weight just started piling on so eventually I decided tough shit , embrace the body and enjoy life.

You do have to enjoy life. I am firmly of that belief, it's just that I thought I was a Greek god of mannity!!

You are whatever you think......

Hehe, then that must be a fine thing indeed!

First had to google the stone thing - always makes me laugh if I hear somebody say how many stones they weigh- you are quite skinny so stop worrying about a scale

Lol. I always have to figure it out when it's not stones!!

I will cut back a wee bit from Monday onwards, but I won't go daft!

Weight in this situation doesn’t matter. Gym Chick wants to sell you random protein powders and Zumba classes. You need to be strong not pretty sir. So running, weights and press ups should be your friends. Hell take up boxing, fencing, jujitsu or whatever appeals but will help you out in a SHTF situation. But don’t be conned by scales, they’re a minion of the unrealistic, we’re all airbrushed and perfect, Facebook obsessed society we live in.

She did try to sell me a tub of creatine and protein stuff.

Fortunately, I have been around the block a bit and left with nothing but the weight of my weight weighing me down!

Gym chick Should shut her pie hole 😂😂😂 be happy with who you are... 🙌 Great graphics and story bruv.. Resteem for the boomster💥💥💥

Cheers muckeroo! I agree with you. She has obviously escaped from an asylum and doctored the scales!! ;0)

Scales are made of metal. Metal can be recycled. Turn that horrific thing into something useful. And claim environmentalism as your creed while doing so!

I should!! Perhaps I can smash all the metal up and absorb it into my frame until I am like a giant transformer violation!!!

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