More Boom?

in #life7 years ago


I have always been a chap who is very comfortable in my own skin but since the birth last Saturday of the little tyke, I have found myself even more comfortable. No fact I seem to be becoming more... Well, more Boom like

How can this be? Is it derangement from lack of sleep?


Is it the singing which I seem to be doing incessantly because bizarrely my odd honking voice seems to soothe the little urchin? I do quite enjoy it.

I have no idea.

This afternoon I was sent out to the shops for emergency supplies. Namely chocolate and lots of rags to mop up baby vomit. I parked the car and started walking to the supermarket entrance. I have a spring in my step. In front of me, I notice some little Sparrows hopping madly around a crust of bread.


Hello little Sparrows!!

I found myself singing quite loudly. As I sang, a crow hopped down out of nowhere and starting menacing the sparrows.

Beeeewaare the crow, the bird in black. He's coming for your bread, there's no turning back!!

I sang even more loudly.

Some people getting out their cars looked a little uncomfortable and shot me some odd looks.


Top o' the morning to ya!

I shouted, in a ridiculous Irish accent.

And don't worry, I'm not a fecking eedgit!

They scurried off. Heck, I didn't blame them. Fastening my mouth mentally shut, I trotted off to do the shopping.

I was at the till, congratulating myself for not singing like a stone bonker for the last ten minutes. The lady rang up the shopping and said.

That will be thirty two eighty.

She looked at me and smiled her best, give-us-the-fucking-money-I-hate-myself-and-I-hate-you smile.

Dollars or pounds my lovely?


Eh, whit? Pounds.

Her glare could have killed a Rhino at thirty paces.

Alright alright, don't get your knickers in a twist milove!

I paid and moved on. On my way to the car, I spied a coffee stop. Woot woot!! Flat White for me! I asked for an extra shot too. The chap was either disgusted or super impressed. It was hard to tell through his arsehair beard.

I arrived home, singing like a loon. The good lady appeared bemused.

How many coffees have you had today darling?


I exclaimed.

Ah, bugger..


You mean singing like this? (Go to forty seconds hahaha)

Haaaaahaaahahahaaaaaa!! Yes that is the odd singing that I am doing!!

Although I watched all of it, is fucked up and weeks but strangely entrancing!!


Hehe, that is a brutal fight!

saludos mr. Boom tengo problemas con mi traductor, espero todo este bien por su hogar. ya tiene mi voto.

Saludos Amiga!! Si, no hay un problema!

Wow that is a lot of coffee. Are you experiencing heart palpitations? And you must need to wee ALL the time.

I do!! Always peeing little poor man amounts. I have to drink more water but it doesn't keep me awake, it's like a catch 22!

World needs more people who sing from their hearts. Sing on!

Hehe, I agree!!

Is it derangement from lack of sleep?

ACH!! I read it as "lack of sheep" because I looked at the picture first. Well played, sir. Well played.

I think what you're going through is quite normal, dude. Heck, even I'm feeling more cheerful these days knowing that the Little Boom is a new addition to this dreadful world. Brings a smile to my face every time I think that the little sunshine is off to spread his light :D

Everyone else was grumpy because they're trying to catch up to the new normal. I sincerely thought that when you arrived home, singing like a loon, that you walked all the way home, completely forgetting that you brought your car with you. Hell, if you really drank 70 million coffees, I guess that's not a far off possibility hahaha!

I would probably have flown had that been the case!!

Hehe, lack of sheep indeed! ;0)

Perhaps I am upsetting the equilibrium and large swathes of the planet are now in swathes of dark sadness!

It is great that you follow it with a great sense of humor and love...greetings to all

Cheers man :0)

Haha! More coffee fuelled Boom can only be a good thing!

Personally, I think there are not enough loons singing loudly and calling out in Irish accents in the world hehe!

I agree, it seemed like the most natural thing in the works. If they had answered in kind all would have been well!

I think the only answer is to repeat your actions until the blighters learn to respond in kind!

I concur!! Take that blightage!!

I've usually told everybody I'm 100% tits guy...

But sparrows are awesome too! I really really really dig sparrows, tits and other small birds.

Blue tits are my favorite tits, do you care about tits?

Blue tits, not my image though.

That is a splendid pair of tits. It might not be your image but I am sure it is I've that you have studied long and hard! :0)

Well I'm happy to find more people who appreciate nice tits. It's rare that these beautiful creatures get overlooked when people prefer eagles and such, bigger birds.

Tits are for real men and women.

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