
in #life5 years ago


Hey loggers! How goes it? I am three-quarters of the way through this damn Logtober and thought I would share my progress.

Whilst it has been great fun, I must admit, it has been hard at times.

When I first heard about Logtober, I was dubious. I mean, firing out a log every single day for a whole month?

It didn't seem feasible. I knew there were some big players in the game that could literally throw out three or four a day with ease. But I was and always had been a kinda one a day guy.

But say one thing about this salty old Boom-Dawg. He likes a challenge.

So, I went for it.


The first four or five days were easy.

The logs were literally spilling out of me.

It seemed that all I had to do was sit down and as if by magic a log would appear.

It was maybe halfway through the second week I ran into a blockage as it were.

The day started off well enough. I pottered about the house doing family-shit whilst mulling over my next log. It wasn't until I got to the later afternoon without one, that I began to worry.

No sign of a log. In fact, not even an inkling. Normally I would have my log done and be thinking of the next one, maybe the next two or three.

Not this day.

Nothing was coming.


The Good Lady noticed by tea-time that I was looking rather glum.

Hey, Shit-Hound... What's up?

She asked with her usual vim.

Can't get a log out. Not even a hint of one today. It's getting to me. I have to do one a day for this bloody Logtober nonsense.

Could you miss a day and squeeze out two tomorrow, perhaps?

She asked as if I was some kind of amateur in this arena and not the man they used to call Beef-Jack.

I shook my head sadly. What is a man if he is nothing?

This and many other deep thoughts swirled in my intellectual crevices.

Much later, I headed off to my bed. The clock showing two minutes to midnight.

The hands that threaten doom.

I thought pensively.

Just then there was a burbling in the woods.

Hurrah!! It came and just in time. my track record for Logtober was safe.

So, I won't lie to you. The logging challenge has not been as easy as I thought it might be. There have been some days I haven't felt like sitting down and creating one at all.

But, I'm a trooper and I have pushed through, producing one every single day.

I only had to near-finger myself once. A fact of which I am quite proud.

It's never too late to join in the challenge. Logtober is open to all so why not join in and squeeze a log out every day for the rest of Logtober! It's fun!


Just sat back down on the settee after my daily splash, result!

Daily splash... Lol!! A fine achievement deserves a celebratory sit down!!

hmmm, I decided to login, but now I think it wiser to logout.

Hahahhaha!!! Oh yes indeed. better out than in! ;O)

This is deep meesterboom, in a full of shit kind of way. I too think monthly challenges are shit and make fun of them. Wait, you are making fun, or are you actually shitting every day? Well, shitting every day is healthy, so clearly this challenge has your best interest at heart there in the toilet. I rarely curse and now you have gotten me to say shit so many times I have met my quota and have no more to say.

You simply must join Logtober, so many shits just feeling out and that is only the typed word!

Monthly challenges. Meh, they are almost as bad as the never ending challenges!

Blogtober... Lol!

Ah, blogtober. Never heard of that one. Too busy writing. Is it just me, or is the word blog a bit repulsive? I hate it. Maybe because I associate bloggers with articles like "How to Lose Baby Fat in 10 Days!" Or maybe it is how the blend "bl" sounds with "og." It is as blah as the word blob. Anyway. We are not bloggers. We deserve a better sounding name, with a better sounding challenge ;)

Hehe, yes. It's a rubbish name. Not only does it sound reminiscent of poo it also sounds very eighties.

Here's to as better name! Might have to run a competition to find one!

It looks likenomorepoon-ovember lol!!

Hey Beef-Jack glad to her you got a log pushed out. So satisfying i'm sure.

Hey hey!! It's nohting really. Just the every day life of a logger! :OD

Haha. Well, it's inspiring. Just saying.

Lol, Just gonna keep creating ;O)

That's it...Logout when the mood strikes.

Heh heh, when I go back to work logging out will never be quite the same!

Haha, yeah...You'll be sniggering to yourself when someone says, I just logged out at my workstation.

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