Happy New Year!

in #life6 years ago


What will it be, the leather jacket which isn't as warm or your big parka which is nice and toasty?

Asked the good lady as she watched me strap my hands up.

Gotta be the leather baby. Easier to swing my arms about in.

Cool. I wish I could come with you but you know, someone's got to look after the kids.

I finished the straps on my left fist and moved onto my right.

I know lass, it was always good to know I had you at my back. Maybe next year though eh?

The good lady nodded wistfully.

Let me get you a whisky? You can't go out on Hogmanay without some fire in your belly.

Aye, that would be grand lass. Load me up!!

The good lady went off to get me a drink.

I finished the straps on my right hand and took a seat so I could pull on my steel toe-capped boots.

The good lady came back with a heavy tumbler brimming with whisky.


I necked it and held it back out for more. She chuckled and filled it back up.

She leaned forward, excitement writ large on her face.

So who are you going to punch first?

She asked brightly.

I downed the second whisky and rubbed my stomach appreciatively at the burn from the liquor as it made its way down.

Who will I punch first?...

I stroked my chin.


Probably just some random bastard that looks at me the wrong way. I might do a bit of shouting first though, you know? To set the scene.

She nodded.

Yeah, you can't just go straight into the drunk fighting without a bit of shouting.

Exactly lass. I think I will start off with a bit of shouting about the English. Throw in the odd FREEDOM! That sound ok?

The good lady looked at me proudly.

That sounds just perfect. Oh you are going to have such a fabulous time! I am so jealous!

I picked up the bottle of whisky and took a big swig from it. Swaying slightly, I headed to the door, bottle in hand. The good lady followed.

As I pulled on my jacket to leave she grabbed me and gave me a lusty kiss.

Make sure you punch some dirty random bastard in the New Year face for me, daddy-bear!

She called out eagerly after me.

I stopped and took a final glug of the whisky before throwing the empty bottle into the neighbours garden.

Don't you worry darlin! It's Scotland and it's New Year's Eve, everybody's gettin punched!

I staggered off into the night. Pausing just for a moment to yell over my shoulder.

Happy New Year!!!


so I"m looking up Hogmanay on the interwebs….I see now how all this punching and drinking and shouting came about...

"Customs vary throughout Scotland, and usually include gift-giving and visiting the homes of friends and neighbours, with special attention given to the first-foot, the first guest of the new year..."
Yes, I can see how this could get out of hand with EVERYONE wanting to be the first!

And the there's this old custom..."the first person to cross the threshold of a friend or neighbour and often involves the giving of symbolic gifts such as salt (less common today), coal, shortbread, whisky, and black bun (a rich fruit cake)"

Aha! this is where the whiskey comes in!

and I"m reading about fireballs being swung around in Aberdeenshire..

THen they get a bit less rambunctious here..."In the east coast fishing communities and Dundee, first-footers once carried a decorated herring." hehe

ooh boy...then there's this."...magic water....After the sprinkling of the water in every room, on the beds and all the inhabitants, the house is sealed up tight and branches of juniper are set on fire and carried throughout the house and byre. The juniper smoke is allowed to thoroughly fumigate the buildings until it causes sneezing and coughing among the inhabitants. Then all the doors and windows are flung open to let in the cold, fresh air of the new year. The woman of the house then administers 'a restorative' from the whisky bottle, and the household sits down to its New Year breakfast"

I can see how people just glossed over the first part and decided to just go straight away to the whiskey!

Auld Lang Syne my friend!! Stay safe out there ;0) and have fun punching many a random victim sunovabitches!!!

Oh that sounds like so much fun ;-}

First foots all the way, silly Dundonians and their decorated herring, lol. I can happily say that because the good lady is from Dundee!!

Punching and whisky, that's the modern way!! :0D

Happy New Year

Happy new year mate, wishing you a fantastic 2019!!!

See you at the top of wealthy and Healthy mood.

It's the only place to be :0)

HAPPY NEW YEAR'S MY Fanfuckingtastic friend!!! (We'll both be hugging the pillow tomorrow me thinks!)

Lol, on my phone the preview notification said..


I was like, oh my! Har har!!

Happy awesome fucking new year to you lady-o!!!! Xx

Happy New Year brother.

Happy new year dudeski!!!


I hoped you decked one good right in the chin, BROwler! I remember when you first educated me about this and I continue to be fascinated with this ritual of kings! One day I will get to experience this, and we shall meet each other's fists with our faces in sync. The world shall tremble and the new year would be delayed a second or two because it would flinch at our might!

The world shall be ROCKED on its foundations Pateros even blootered into a new orbit around this trinket we call the sun and all shall marvel and wonder... Who or what caused this?

They would come close to the answer, but they have no idea. The truth is out there, and while all deserve to learn it, the masses wouldn't have the capacity to comprehend it.

And we're there even capacity would they have the wherewithal?

Many think they do, but in truth doesn't. Truth rarely is kind.

And kindness in truth is rare...

But not as rare as white peacocks. Damn those white peacocks..

We should cherish such rarity lest it perish

It's a hard life but how did you wangle that free pass.Happy New Year.

Haha, I didn't really. If only I had!!

Happy new year!!

Well Boom, let's hope it goes a bit better with Steemit this year, eh? I was such a dumbass for not selling out!

Lol, weren't we all. Second time lucky I am sure will be the charm!

Happiest of New Year's to you, Mr. B. Though yours sound a WHOLE lot more exciting than mine. Though again, getting schnockered, then punched in the kisser by every stranger I meet sounds like a real hum-dinger of a way to bring in the New 365. You're a tougher man than I. (Then again, so is my sister). Hope you have a grand night, and the New Year follows suite like a nasty hangover after 27 Hennessy's.

PS. Always pick the leather, makes you look much cooler than the puffy, Michelin Man coat.

It might be cold but yes indeed, the letter is the way!!

Hehe, Happy new year to you too dudeski!!

Happy New Year to you, to the good lady and to your children, dear @meesterboom ! At the moment, I'd like to have a bit of Lagavulin (one of my favorites) in front of me to celebrate the new year, but we have just a good wine, so: cheers!!!!

It's a fine one and no mistake! A very happy new year to you too lass!! I have wine too and Whisky! Hurrah!! :OD

So not inducting your children into this age old tradition then? XD

I have no idea even I'm glad someone else looked it up so all I had to do was glance through the comments XD

Happy new year :D

The children are spared for the moment! :0D

Happy new year!

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