in #life6 years ago


I sat at my desk filing my nails. Since travelling back in time everything had been going pretty well. I had already taken on a couple of cases and solved them with debonair ease. I couldn't be any smugger if I was wearing a coat made of dead mice.

I hummed a jaunty tune as I thought of the Case of the Missing Pen in particular. That had been a thorny one but my incredible powers of detectivity had cracked it like a camel's hymen in almost no time at all.


The lady who owned the pen was most grateful.

What are you doing crawling around under my desk you bloody pervert?

She had squawked.

The pheromonal undertones of her words made it quite clear she wanted to pay for my services with something other than money, most likely salt beef.

I don't mix business with pleasure sweetcheeks.

I had tipped my hat to her and left.


Yep, life was pretty damn sweet. Back home, the good lady was the good lady even when bad and that was the way I liked my ladies.

I put the nail-file down and decided to treat myself to a coffee from the place just down the road. They made a fine cup of Joe and in my game it was the Joe that made you go. In more ways than one.

I grabbed my fedora and headed for the stairs.


The stairs were shadowy as I got near the bottom; some of the lights seemed to be out. I slowed my descent in case I tripped and went arse-over-tit and someone saw.

As I neared the bottom I noticed a strange metallic musky smell. A masculine, animalistic stink. I noticed the wall was wet near the bottom of the stair I stood on.

What's going on here?

I said quietly to no-one in particular.

I crouched and dipped my fingers into the wetness and sniffed them. The vinegary stench caused my eyes to water. I dabbed a finger to my tongue.



I dry retched, the taste was foul. I could have been mistaken but it did not seem of this earth?

I looked about the stairwell for clues of what had gone on here and then I heard voices a level below.

...the sooner we get FUSION up and running the better...

My detective-o-meter began clanging. I leaned over the stair-rail to hear better.

Can we achieve this though? It has not been possible before.

We have the tech now but first we have to remove any... obstacles...

There was a chuckling then the sound of a door opening and the voices fading off.

What the hell had I stumbled into?

FUSION? Like the processes at the heart of the sun?


And nefarious shadowy men in shadowier stairwells talking in code? Now throw in the strange wetness on the walls that did not seem like anything from this earth?

There was only one answer to this and that answer was the testicularly versatile Detective BoomDawg...

I hurried down the last of the stairs into the blinding sun of the street.

There was no sign of the men who had been talking.

I nodded knowingly. The foul taste of alien man-musk was still thick in my mouth and my fingers burned with its noxious properties but I was happy...

It looked like I had a new case.


Really! That strange substance you put in your mouth? 😱
Naaaaaaguara, I do not think so, if I do not read it. "
Lo que tiene que hacer el detective BoomDawg, para resolver sus casos!
Everything is to solve the mystery, no matter the challenges that are put in front, he will face it! But be sure to take a good mouthwash because you have the taste of the ugly alien, who does not know in ugly or if it will be from this land.
your publications improve me the humor @meesterboom. 😉

Gracias Amiga!! The intrepid detective will leave no stone unlicked to get at the truth!

Hmmmm, This looks like a very interesting case indeed. I must say though. Many a time I have touched something and sniffed to get a sense of what I was dealing with. A good deal of those times I regretted doing it. I can't imagine a scenario that doesn't where I taste it that ends with a positive reaction. At least none I can mention publicly. lol

Haha, I understand. It is all in the name of detectivity!!! :0D

First thing to find out: might you be the obstacle of which they spoke? Tread carefully!

Now that is a thought!!!

you seriously put you finger in an unknown wetness and then INTO your mouth? Seems like a good way to catch some vile disease to me. that will be what you catch next, some vile disease, yes, that is it! What if it had been someones spuzz or something? egads man

Catch some awful vile disease or catch the perpetrators of a crime the likes of which the world has never seen!!

lol, willing to sacrifice yourself to save the world, we need more of you and if you had a coat made of mice you would even look cool!

It would be a fine thing, I threatened the missus with the idea of me making one before when I trapped about a hundred of them

Oh Em Gee, that's one heck of a bedtime story! And the detective intro was really the crowning touch for me, well after your line about the alien man-musk. Top notch entertainment - goodnight! :D

Hehe, why thank you! Yes, the alien man musk. Yeeeeek!

The Clivvers needs to hear of this! Nothing must escape his vape-laden ears! This looks like a promising start to an epic new adventure! Cue the saxophone!

All awesome new adventure, with aliens!

Hmmmm, and you say you tasted it?

Like a tracker of old...!

HAHAHAHA What you tried was probably semen, for the description you give from the crime scene! But hey that's evidence and you've got it so you did a good job lol

Oh god, why would there be semen in a stairwell. Thats would be simply awful. Oh no, it must be aliens!!

was it yellow?...lol

upvoted and resteemed

You could be onto something ;0)

I am a pen thief. At any meeting, any desk, watch out for Sandrina!
I also use to melt pen caps together for fun and burn things in general. Devilish I was.
Wisdom never reached me.

I loved to burn things. I still do, only now I am an adult I can get away with it! lol!

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