A Ramble

in #life5 years ago


I'm currently working on a short animation. I say short but they take bloody ages to do. It's not quite ready yet. Probably Friday, tomorrow is after all, and I quote -'The end of the Greatest fiction series known to man.'

That is, the very last Uncle Boom episode.

I feel a little sad at the thought of writing the last episode for Uncle Boom. I never intended it to be a long series. It was just a bit of fun originally, creating a cranky, murderous old gentleman to poke fun at the millions of spammers and scammers that were joining Steemit at the time.

I made the following in response to a lot of the 'nice post' spammers

But a series it became. However, like all good things, it must come to an end.

When I started writing it almost two years ago how was I to know that the series would outlast many steemians I had come to know and be friends with.

It would even outlast my Dad who I lost two weeks ago today.

I guess everything comes to an end.

My writing like most things in my life has suffered over the last two weeks.

I only hope I can do the last Uncle Boom justice. It would be a shame to let it down.

This is a bit of a ramble and an apology of sorts. I spent so long on my animation hoping to finish and post it today.

Alas no, hand-drawing all those bloody frames takes time. However, It also takes my mind off of things. Which is good.

Whilst doing my animation I came across another of my old ones.


Isn't it ironic how it panned out? I remember at the time I was soundly set upon in discord and in chat by the users of and creators of bid-bots.

They told me I was spreading FUD and that these promotion services would be good for Steemit and that they wouldn't let bad actors shitpost and bidbot their way into trending.

Yeah, look how that turned out.

Anyway, in the absence of my new animation, please enjoy another from the archives of hardfork fear...


I liked HF-19 but I hope that HF-21 is a tad more sophisticated...



Greetings @meesterboom,

So sorry to hear of the loss of your father....it has to be one of the hardest losses we bear.....that of a parent. Will be thinking of you and your mum.

Steemians have missed the cartoons, and what better time than with a hard fork coming up.

Thank you for showing the oldies.....am still looking for the cheeky one with the hair!

Wishing you and yours all the best. ^__^


Thank you lass, it is a hard time for all involved.

I had forgotten about the one with the hair. The Steem Prince I believe it was! ha, I will have to dig him out.

It's always the best time for an amination, a hard fork. All the best to you lass :O)


I love that animation about the bidbots

Isn't it ironic how it panned out? I remember at the time I was soundly set upon in discord.

That's a familiar sounding happenstance. I don't think I've been set upon for questioning the almighty boting purveyors of shite and spam posts, but I did get a horde of sheeple try and give me a verbal beat down for questioning where the SPS funds should be coming from, i.e. not it of my pocket please. Ludicrous behavior to not want to be shafted in the ass while I was looking the other way to pay a bunch of people to develop a blockchain that Stinc was meant to be developing for the past year.

Ha ha, rant over. Hey, I look forward to seeing the new animation. I shall keep my eyes peeled 🙂

Ha!!! It's funny you say that because the exact same thing happened to me. I said that I had no issue with the SPS just the sourcing of the funds and got exactly the same beat down. It was so bad that I was like yeah, you wouldn't be arguing so hard if you didn't know it was wrong!

Man that was quite the few days it went on for! Fingers crossed I will have my animation done for Friday, its on exactly that subject!

I have all of the software but none of the patience.

It's the patience that is the killer. The end always seems so far away until you are right at it!

I sensed something was up. Didn't want to say anything though. I'm not really good at saying anything anyway. Like now, what is this? Am I about to turn it into a joke? Will I make it about me? Just what is my problem...

Ha, I suffer from exactly the same thing. :0)

As do I. Still, my condolances, which don't help much either.

Cheers though dude :0)

A very different post from you Boom, I'm a little shocked. You have carved quite a niche here as I'm trying to do with my Tales of whores and cannibals.

Hope what you do next is as original as what we have been used too!

It is a different post isnt it? Dearie me. A reflective day. I will carry on in relatively the same vein I am sure.

Sorry for your loss, it can be tough to move on after losing a very close dear one, especially a parent. Much strength to you and your family.

You still managed to entertain and I believe the last Uncle Boom will be a blast. Looking forward reading it.

And maybe to help your mind set change a bit... Did you already know the Star Trek title with Patrick Steward starring? It is called: Picard.


Unfortunately only at Amazone at first. But it'll get to Netflix at some point I guess.

Cheers mate, it's bloody tough and that is for sure.

I hope it will be a blast, a very bloody unexpected blast!

I did not know that!! Good grief!, That looks great although, what will it be like. It could go either way!

They left here, but live on in heart and memory.

It will be a blast, I'm sure. Who knows, even an open ended one. Expecting anything could happen!

The JLP teaser is what it says: a teaser! But I sure will watch it.

Open ended... Everything is open ended these days, you can never tell!!

This is way behind, I've been delinquent on here a lot due to other things of life getting in the way on a regular basis. But what a treat, to have a whole BUNCH of Meesterbots messing about on my screen, all at once. It's like going to the circus, only without the clowns on tricycles. Thanks for the entertainment.
So very sorry to hear of your father's passing. My thoughts go out to you and your family. Such a very hard part of this life. Have a beer toast from me to him one day soon, I'm sure if he produced the immeasurable MB, he was a character for sure.

He wa sindeed a character mate, I miss him dearly. I shall raise yet another beer to him for you :O)

I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. Art is a wonderful outlet. I love your animations - forthright, wild, and brilliant. I think that pretty much encapsulates you as well :)

I'm off to check out the last episode.

Thank you.

Art is s great outlet for all of these things. Escape through doing is what I like!

Ah, sorry to hear about your dad. I am looking forward to the Uncle Boom finale today though. I'm glad that I've held on (barely at times) to steemit to see it to the end.

It does get harder to hold on doesn't it?

I am almost done but it's a bit wordy. Will haha to have an edit!

So sorry about your dad :<


Yep I know all about how long short animations take to do XD (there's reasons I didn't finish any of my test anims, which has nothing whatsoever to do with my habit of turning everything into a story >_>)

Gotta love when things spiral out of control XD I'm sure the ending to Uncle Boom will be great. Looking forward to the new animation too :)

Hehe, is so true. They last like 8 seconds and take fecking ages to get halfway through. Madness, and ta :0)

I like the ending in my head very much!

@meesterboom Hello dear friend. It made me very sad to know about your father's death. So sorry. my deepest condolences.

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