Brand Development & The Nature Of Life

in #life4 years ago

Brands Are Built Through Differentiation...Bringing Something Different To The Table...NOT Being Like The Establishment...But In Order To Grow & Thrive, They Always Seem To End Up BECOMING The Establishment.

You Either Die A Hero (The Edgy, Rebellious Outsider...ECW) Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself BECOME The Villain (Mainstream Popularity...The Bland, Generic, Money Hungry Establishment...WWE)

Transformation: Adapt Or Die

The Noble Man Who “Keeps It Real” & Gets Nowhere vs The Man Who Became A Monster & Got The World Because Of It...

“To Fail Or Succeed, I Don't Know What's Worse” – Young Jeezy

Don't Hate The Player, Hate The Game

The Game Is Set Up In Such A Way That Any Ambitious Souls Who Are Driven By Success And Have A Strong Desire To Make An Impact On The World Are Doomed To Become The Very Thing That They Hate


Because That Is What The Game Incentivizes & Rewards

You Can't Change The Game...All You Can Do Is Act In Accordance With It & Do What Is Necessary To Get The Results That You Desire

An Episode Of “Family Guy” In Which Lois Ran For Political Office Demonstrated This Concept Beautifully (“9/11 Was Bad”)

You Can Push Against The Stream To A Certain Extent (To Gain Attention & Notoriety) But Ultimately, You Must Adapt And Become Like Everybody Else.

You Have To Do What Works...Not What Doesn't Work
You Have To Act In Accordance With Nature, Not Fight Against It
Fighting Against Nature Will ALWAYS Be A Losing Battle

As A Brand, You Can Be “Different”...But At The End Of The Day, Nobody Successful Is Ever Really All THAT Different...

Becoming Jaded

After Fighting Long Enough, Everybody Eventually Comes To Learn The Same Lesson...This World Is Incredibly Resistant To Any Real, Substantive Change...

We Tell Children They Can “Change The World”...The Reality Is That None Of Us Can “Change” This World...

The Spotlight Effect, Feeling Like Atlas With The World On Your Shoulders...The Self Importance, The Arrogance, The EGO...It Creates Too Much Stress, Too Much Pressure In Our Lives

“It Doesn't Matter, None Of It Matters...I Don't Matter”
This Realization Can Either Be The Source Of Great Sorrow Or It Can Be The Source Of Great Relief

Apathy Can Be A Great Gift...But It Can Also Destroy The House Of Cards Upon Which Your Entire Life Has Been Built

The IDEA Of Change

People Like The IDEA Of Change...And “Change” Makes For A Good Brand Message...But The Reality Is That There Is No Change In This World

The Shit That Worked In The Ancient World Is The Same Shit That Works Now (Keeping The Masses Distracted With “Bread & Circuses” For Example)

At The End Of The Day, Nothing Ever Really Changes...Nothing Is Ever Really "Different"...It's Just Another Offshoot Of The Same Old Shit...

Just Another Brand.

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