Why is life so hard in Venezuela?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

First of all, do not blame the government for everything. Why? because if we see it from the government's point of view, they do a great part, they make their best effort and since other countries and companies make mature work and make war on other countries because mature does not let help. .. Only because the President does not want anything with the United States (USA).
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They do as much as possible to help us, but what happens? As I told you, the countries do not want to help you just because they think that mature does not work and has worsened this country in a terrible way that of course.

Also a part that influences a lot is the part of the dollar.
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Why does the dollar rise in Venezuela?
First of all this affects a lot of Venezuelans because if the dollar goes up everything goes up. "With Dollar Today it is explained, in more than 70%, the inflation that is happening in the country. There are those who say that it is not possible and justify today's dollar, how can they not know that a figure that governs the price of almost all articles of Venezuelan society is determined by that speculative price? It is that perhaps they are not living in Venezuela, the speculative prices in a grotesque way have that foundation. As today's dollar raises the price of the dollar, the rest of the economy is submerged in that wave of speculation and this generates a disaster in inflationary matters. "

The minister said that behind the website there is a political presence "behind this page there is a whole destabilizing political project. Who denies that? Precisely those who are behind that policy What financial resources are invested to maintain Dollar Today? They do not sell a dollar, it is a marker, but there are great capitals of drug trafficking, paramilitarism and illegal economic facts in Venezuela that sustain, feed the figure of Dollar Today and make great fortunes. These fortunes finance opposition political parties. "

"Dollar Today is not a harmless page, it is an effort to alter the performance of the Venezuelan economy. You do not have to be an economist to know that its impact on the country's inflation levels is huge, with today's dollar 15% of foreign exchange operations are given here. Who does not know that the vast majority of all prices in the Venezuelan economy are built on the basis of the Today Dollar quote? "

So because mature does not come out of power to be able to live better?

What supports Maduro and why does not it fall?
Given the atmosphere of collapse that is breathing, any president had already left power.! [] ()

The military and collectives, a minority although significant popular support, and the errors of the opposition have supported Maduro.

"Maduro has weapons, with the resources of the State and with the intelligence services. This makes it very powerful, despite the high cost of delegitimization due to its management, such as the pace with which it has tightened the accelerator of authoritarianism and ignorance of the autonomy of public powers ", diagnoses for TIME Rocío San Miguel , from the NGO Control Ciudadano.

The pillars that support Maduro in power go through the fact that he has the Supreme Court of Justice and the Electoral Council under his control. Only the opposition National Assembly escapes him, which with the help of the other two powers has been neutralized. To this is added a minority but significant popular support, and even the differences that there are in the opposition that have facilitated their actions.

But, beyond this, there is a capital element that simplifies the reasons why Maduro does not fall: the unrestricted support of the National Armed Forces (FAN).

Since Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chávez came to power in 1999 and began to outline the "Bolivarian Revolution," one of the bases of his proposal was that of the civic-military alliance, a concept historically ventilated in Latin America by both populist dictatorships and extreme left parties.

But Chavez went much further, to the point that the military establishment permeated the foundations of society and the State, and Maduro expanded those powers. The officers, even in exercise, took over the ministries (11 of 32), the productive activities, the oil rent and the distribution of food.

The political psychologist Colette Capriles explains it using a concept coined by the French philosopher Michel Foucault: the military became a 'biopolitical body'. According to her, they were integrated organically in the conduction of the apparatus for state assistance and social control.

Therefore, faced with the reported breaking of the constitutional thread, the opposition put its hope in some nod of the defense minister, Vladimir Padrino López, as when in the parliamentary elections of 2015 he made respect the popular will despite the defeat of Chavez. But this time, apparently, it has not been like that, although it is not known if it had to do with the reverse of the 'Madurazo'. He also reiterated that the FAN is "chavista" and expressed its close support to Maduro.

"The military commanders are completely 'partisan'. We can not lose sight of the fact that in Venezuela some 1,100 admirals and generals have ascended in the last six years. The absolute control of the Government over the FAN could only reach resistance in the middle managers. But there are enormous monitoring and intelligence mechanisms to record their actions. We can not expect a classic coup d'état, "believes San Miguel.

Cracks in the FAN
The big question is, what could happen if the protests or looting exceed the containment of the Bolivarian National Guard and the collectives and the order is given to take the army to the streets? San Miguel responds: "The great fear of Maduro comes from the hand of the possible ignorance of the given orders to repress to the town that could happen on the part of average and subalternos commanders".

Moreover, there has been talk of cracks in the FAN for some time, and the recent request for refuge by three Venezuelan soldiers in Colombia seems to reveal some discomfort. How widespread? It is not clear yet.

The political scientist Luis Salamanca also warns fissures. For him, in dialogue with this newspaper, the loyalty of the military to Maduro has to do with the image of Chávez: "There is a sort of agreement among the Chavistas that Chavez's last will can not be ignored, and, therefore, Maduro was recognized. But once Maduro began his government, the dynamics changed because it generated this economic and social dantesco picture, and this serious political-institutional picture. Maduro is pulling the rope, and the tendency is to break it. "

So things, although they seem to have the key, the exit of Maduro does not happen, for now, by the military. "The fact is that the high command is very comfortable with Maduro. Why knock him down if he has set them to do business in strategic areas of the economy, mining and oil, "Cliver Alcalá, Chávez's companion in the 1992 coup, told the Spanish newspaper ABC (in retirement), and today in the dissidence.

But, more serious still, and according to an investigation of the AP agency, members of the army, taking advantage of that the Government entrusted them the distribution of foods, mounted a formidable operation of traffic in which they charge the products at a price 100 times greater than the fixed by the Government.

"Food gives more than the drug," says Alcalá.

The distribution of food has become a factor of social control by the military because people are facing a dilemma: go out to protest or stand in line for food.

The civil wing of this militarized society is represented by the collectives, brutal shock forces that kill and get killed by the revolution, and that in addition to exercising social control, they perform intelligence work in the neighborhoods.

This leads to another of the elements that support Maduro, that of the broad sectors that live off the revolution or have been enriched by it: the plugged in who have benefited from exchange control and the distortion of markets and currencies, or the so-called 'boliburguesía'. Or, without going very far, the popular bases that, to continue enjoying benefits or for the nostalgia of better times of chavism, continue faithful to Maduro.

And to this rosary of reasons is added that Maduro has in his favor the electoral calendar, at least in what has to do with the presidential elections. Those of governors and mayors are pending, but those of head of state must be carried out in December 2018.

It is not that under normal and democratic conditions Maduro aspire to win, because the estimates indicate that the economy will get worse, but has shown signs that it will concentrate on molding an opposition to its measure to win by the minimum difference or control the risks of the triumph of a strong opposition leader.

He already has in prison to Leopoldo López, disqualified to Henrique Capriles and María Corina Machado and arrested at home to Antonio Ledezma. It is the Nicaraguan model, in which Daniel Ortega ended up choosing his rival.

Another essential element that is another of the pillars that support Maduro is the so-called 'communication hegemony'.

While thousands of people clashed with the police in the streets, TV channels passed 'comiquitas' or soap operas, or just the 'red-red' marches.

The censorship or self-censorship for survival, the obstacles to the critical press in the purchase of paper or the exit of the air of several national and international TV channels have undermined the possibilities of forming a public opinion different from the official message.

Given this panorama, the articulation of recent protests has had to be done through the Internet or from voice to voice.

Will Maduro fall in 2018?

¿MADURO for 2018? The Venezuelan drama is something unbearable for the human being and, consequently, if a real survey were made, probably 95 percent of the population would reject the prevailing communist regime in the country. How long will Maduro remain in power? Let's analyze ...

The political event in Venezuela throughout its history always consisted of a friendly antagonism, as it usually happens in most democratic systems, including the US. Two parties in Venezuela took turns in power. The leaders of the Christian Social Party COPEI and the Democratic Action Party AD, used to maintain combative and intelligent campaign commands. Through dances and the like, they turned public events into a democratic party where the majority of the population came to support their candidates and enjoy music, drinks, food, gifts and contests.

It was the case that many rival candidates in politics were even friends in everyday life. More than once, after a busy campaign day, political opponents enjoyed a lively game of dominoes or shared affably at a social gathering. When Hugo Chávez appears on the Venezuelan political scene, everything remained the same with respect to cordiality. However, many did not realize the true agenda that Chávez had. Then they began to play the game to someone who wanted to destroy the bipartisan system that for so many years had happily coexisted in Venezuela, that is, a sinister character who wanted to end the country's democracy.

It was thus that powerful businessmen and prominent public figures financed Chávez and supported his project. Meanwhile, Chavez did nothing but follow to the letter the cynical teachings of Vladimir Illich Ulyanov (Lenin). "In its principles, communism must go hand in hand with the capitalists and when the opportune moment arrives, raising its arm and with its closed fist, crushing them like a worm".

SIGUEME @mcbrashi9

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