Disband ICE

in #life6 years ago

Papers Please.jpg

Growing up in America, the most iconic image of oppression, fascism and unrighteous government was the image of German soldiers asking seemingly innocent citizens for their paperwork. If someone was being bossy or if we were making fun of a rather strict teacher, we would mimick a German accent and say “Yor paperz, pleez! Schnell!”

In movies too, this was the standard scene to show how horrible the Nazis were. Harassing poor, down-trodden jews, terrified German citizens and any well meaning underground or covert fighter working to overthrow the evil Nazis. You knew our movie heroes were in trouble when you heard “Paperz, Pleez!” The need to always have your legitimizing paperwork, that could be demanded at any time for any reason is a terrifying tool of intimidation and control.

It never occurred to us as kids, or apparently to Hollywood writers and film producers that it would be a tool used by our government, here in America. But that sad day has come.

paper please 2.jpg

ICE apparently is now boarding Greyhound buses and asking indiscriminate riders for their identification. They are doing this far from the border and without a warrant. Presumably, they are doing it because undocumented immigrants will take the most affordable transportation (busing) and other riders are too poor, uneducated and intimidated to complain. Nevertheless, we are all protected from such action by the 4th Amendment, which reads:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

No doubt, ICE agents are assuming they can operate with immunity since most people don't know or demand their rights.

But they didn't count on a woman named Tiana Smalls. When ICE officers boarded the bus she was on, she started screaming that no one on the bus had to show these jack-booted thugs a thing. They were operating outside of the law, she proclaimed, and were conducting an illegal search and seizure operation. Knowing that they were in the wrong, ICE agents left the bus without event.

However, this is just one instance we are hearing about. How many other illegal operations (for example, separating families and keeping children in cages without due process) are they running? How many laws are they breaking, how many civil rights are they denying, how many human rights atrocities are they committing?

Click HERE to see a video and read about another similar ICE bus-boarding incident.

America has become the country where they think they can ask: “Where are your papers?”

But not for long. We need to band together and disband ICE. Call your local, state and federal representatives and let them know we will not stand for this nonsense. Tell them that if they won't work to end it, they will be asked for their paperwork soon... as in “Where is your new job application and resume?”

Know your rights and read more about Tiana Smalls' story HERE

Story source

ICE image and story source: Washington Post

Nazi image source: public domain


Well-written piece on a crucial issue.


hello @matthias-green is there any chance you could add me on discord? i have a proposal to make about to help with curation rewards? chigz#1148

I don't really use discord much, so I wouldn't be much help there. Sorry.

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