"If there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm"

in #life7 years ago

For anyone-I'm sure- these words are very thoughtful and motivational, for me, it's a bit more than that!
earlier today I saw a post by @jeffberwick about how your own self is your worst enemies, not the governments, not your neighbours, not whomever you think is your enemy. it's always you !
Jeff's post was very motivational, and liberating, but in the same exact time, it leaves you with enormous responsibility, you're in charge of your own being, you get to decide and choose, whether to be happy or sad, successful or just blaming others !
while reading the post and watching the video, this reminded me of a life experience that i'd love to share here.
I've always been fat, since I knew myself :D i'm fat and that's it, one day in 2012, I decided to lose weight after I reached a record of 147kgs ! I was only 23 yo
Screen Shot 2017-06-30 at 12.31.00.png
that was the beginning of it !
you can imagine what I was always telling myself, stuff like "I like food, I was born with bigger body!, it's genetical, bla bla bla"
Only that night, I had a different thought, a different mindset.
that was me in May 2012 just a month before starting my journey, when I told the world i'm losing weight, ZERO people supported me, being always overweight, trying many time to lose weight and failing, all these were reasons why nobody believed me, in this case, I had too many enemies to handle, this is what i thought in the beginning that I have to HANDLE my enemies, NO you don't have to, the only enemy that you have to handle is the one within your head !
18 month later, I reached 84kgs
18month transofrmation.jpg
and that's a before/after comparison just 2 years after
two years June2012 145kg-june2014 92kg.jpg
this journey was full of sweat, pain, disappointments, and moments of doubt, I can say that what kept me moving is this quote,
"If there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm"
believe in yourself always, handle only your inner enemies, keep your eyes on the finish line you'll achieve whatever you wanna achieve !
for all the people out there fighting battles no one knows about, you are doing great, you can do it!


HI ! I am a new member! please, follow me back and vote for my first post! thanks!

That's amazing! You have just given me such a jolt of energy!!

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