Am I a Leader?

in #life8 years ago


Leadership is a process of Influence. Anytime you seek to influence the thinking , behavior or development of people in their personal or professional lives, you are taking on the role of a Leader
Leadership can be an intimate as words of guidance and encouragement to a loved one or as formal as instructions passed through extended lines of communications in an organization. Leadership can be nurturing character and self  words in children and promoting greater intimacy and fulfillment in personal relationships, or it can be involving  the distribution of various resources in an organization to accomplish a specific objective and task.


Each of the following can be described as someone engaged in Leadership:

  • Mother with her kids the whole day
  • A friend who risks alienation to confront a moral failure
  • A corporate executive who rejects offers of inside information to gain a competitive advantage.
  • A US Navy SEAL or a US General who orders his troops into harms way to succeed in their mission.
  • A Husband and Wife who seek a mutual agreement in their daily finances
  • A Teacher who brings excitement and curiosity in the minds of her student.
  • A rehabilitation nurse who patiently handles the anger of a patient
  • A missionary doctor who refuses to leave his patients behind to avoid capture by enemy forces
  • A local pastor who avoids teaching on controversial issues for a fear of  rejection
  • A  coach who fails to confront rule violations by his star player
  • An Adult who provides advice and guidance on living arrangements to his aging parent
  • A terminally ill patient who demonstrates grace,confidence,courage and calm to anxious loved ones
  • A government official like Dr  Ron Paul who takes an principled stance
  • A dictator who hoards billions of dollars like Hugo Chavez, Hugo Chavez daughter and Maduro while the citizens of Venezuela are starving and eating street animals and animals in the zoos.

Two things i would like to point out  in the above list,

Each of these individuals is a leader because he or she is affecting or influencing others, either in a positive or negative way. the list above revels that some leadership actions are specific and others are more in general. , Some of those actions are overt , while others  can be covert. The actions of the leader is not obvious to those being led. We all can influence people who may not choose to follow .

These leaders are involved in making a personal choice about how and to what end they will use their influence. It is the same choice we are all called to make when  we exert influence on people : 

"Do we seek to serve or to be served"

If your  motivations are self-promotion and self protection, you will use your influence with others to fulfill these needs. If your actions are driven by values of service and dedication to a cause or a relationship, then you will model and encourage these values in others.

As you think about how you influence the actions of people near and far, you can see for yourself that you are a Leader wherever you go.

                                                                                  You Are A Leader


I Hope you find this article of great value and this may enlighten you in your day to day routines and light the fires and passion in your quest to succeed in life. It takes courage to succeed and be a leader especially in our modern times where we see corruption , disintegration and all sorts of evils around. But we should prevail in these times , i have always looked up to Jesus Christ as my personal savior and a guide in my times of darkness and strife. The articles i started  to write is a continuation of the leadership of Jesus Christ and the values he has shown forth to our world.  This is going to be a learning process for me as well as it is a learning process for you. 

I would like to thank you for taking the time to read and showing support, I appreciate the support that i receive and grateful. Im grateful to see more Libertarians, Anarcho-Capitalists making strides and leading the way to fight against oppression, corruption and bring conscious individual solutions to the unconscious collectivists problems.  It is why i see Jesus Christ as a great example of an individual who is bringing consciousness and salvation to the prevailing unconscious crisis in that timeline.

Once Again, Thank you for coming by and have a blessed Day.

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