Packing Your Hospital Bag – The Ultimate Checklist

in #life7 years ago

I must say, this time around pregnancy has been much easier – I think it is mostly because I already know what to expect.

I am a little tiny teeny bit of a control freak. I love being organized and prepared so for me it has come to that part of my pregnancy where it is time to pack the hospital bag.
Packing Your Hospital Bag - The Ultimate Checklist
Most women go into labour in the two weeks before or after their due date, but I believe in being prepared so have your hospital bag packed from about 28 weeks already. Maybe I’m crazy, but in all honesty – who isn’t?

Please note that I will be having a c-section – so I will be packing for 3-5 nights in hospital.

The first time around I went completely overboard, I think I took half the house with me – so here is a sensible yet fully prepared mommy hospital bag checklist:
Mom’s Hospital Bag:
• 2 x Pairs of comfy pajamas – I will advise against taking any pants with elastic, even if you plan on giving birth naturally. You never know what might happen and the last thing you want is elasticated pants pressing against a c-section wound. Rather go for yoga pants – also choose dark bottoms. Trust me on this one. Keep in mind that it needs to be easy to breastfeed in – if you plan on doing so. You get some amazing seam-free pajamas, they are ideal!

• Dressing gown and comfy, stretchy slippers – you will need this for walking around the hospital or during visiting time. Also, your feet might swell quite a bit so it will be best to buy a size bigger slipper than you normally wear.
• x 4-5 dark, high waisted cotton panties – same rule applies hee. You don’t want uncomfortable panty elastic against your c-section scar and you might be a bit swollen. Also, stick to the dark bottoms. Seam free undies are the best!

• I.D Document (both mom and dad) and Medical Aid card – You will need these for checking in and also for registering your baby’s birth. A lot of hospitals have a representitive from Home Affairs come to the hospital so that you can register your child’s birth hassle free.

• x 3 – 4 comfortable bra’s – nursing/maternity bra’s – No one can prepare you enough for this. First time mommies – trust me when I say you do not want any bra’s with any form of under wire anywhere near you. Your boobs will swell and be extremely sensitive and even sore. Your body is going through enough, you do not want to be uncomfortable. Also, forget about going bra-less.

• Soothing gel breast pads & Nipple Cream – this goes hand in hand with the above. It will help with the swelling and provide soothing relief to sore breasts and nipples.

• 1 x Box of Breast Pads – you will be leaking, a lot. On second thought, get two boxes.

• Nursing pillow – I wish I took one when I was in hospital with Mikayla. It will make breast feeding and bottle feeding so much easier and more comfortable.

• 2 x Packs of maternity sanitary pads – if you do not know this yet, you will need these whether you are having a c-section or natural birth.

• 2 x disposable maternity panties – Sexy.

• Toiletries – pack your favourite shampoo and conditioner, body wash/soap, face wash, body lotion, toothbrush and toothpaste. At least it will be something familiar. It is incredible what comfort your own smell can bring to a lonely hospital room.

• A large soft, dark towel and facecloth – I have a thing about germs, but also – hospital towels are not very soft and your body is already going to be so sensitive. Once again – stick to darker colours.

• Cellphone & charger

• Earphones – At least with earphones you can watch some TV while you are in labour or when you can’t sleep.

• Earplugs and A Sleep Mask – hospitals can be quite noisy!

• High fibre snacks – this will help with the devil we call constipation. And boy will you be constipated.

• Hairbrush and hair ties

• Basic make-up – A light foundation, waterproof mascara and blush. In some hospitals the air is quite dry, so take some lip palm with just in case.

• A loose, comfortable outfit to go home in – keep in mind that photo’s will most probably be taken.

• Breastpump – things do not always go according to plan. Take a breastpump just in case baby needs to spend some time in the NICU or has trouble latching.

For Baby:
Most hospitals provide everything except the clothing – phone your hospital and find out what you will need to bring with.
• x 5 outfits – plain white baby grow vests, pants/leggings, tops, booties and beanies
• x 1 going home outfit – you will never forget this outfit, so choose wisely
• x 1 warm blanket and 1x receiving blanket to take baby home in
• A car seat
Is there anything you feel I left out? What was your must have item? Is there anything that you wish you packed?

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