I really want to LIVE.

in #life7 years ago

Every morning life begins again. The sun rises just like yesterday and how it will rise tomorrow. Every morning I think I do not want to leave my soft pillow and the warm crib, my favorite pudding ... I do not want to get out of the house, go to work, get tired, have trouble, stress, run, failures ...


I do not want, I do not want, and ... I'm rushing. I'm rushing, because I know, I realize very well that there are many people who would like to be able to get out of their bed but they are mobilized and would like to be able to wake up, but they do not sleep nights pain, they would like to get out of the house for a walk, but they are tied to a trolley, would like to work, run, laugh, smile, quarrel with someone, maybe even get a mother of beating, I SAY THE LIFE OF FULL ... And then she did not get out.

I go to the kitchen to grind my coffee, boil it, and then I start to open my eyes. I say good morning today, the birds that chirp under the glass, the acacia that has blossomed and spells me with its flavor ... I send a kiss in the thought and good morning to my loved one, and then go to work. I'm going to do something useful, at least a small, minor thing, but it is useful for today. Know that I made a change in one's life, that I smiled another life-livid person ...

I do not want to sleep in my mornings. I do not want to live in vain. I really want to LIVE. Enjoy every day, every moment. I want to know that my life is a fulfilled one.


When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself.nice post by you
followed and upvoted you...please visit my blog when you are free

Enjoy life even if you don't have money ,simple things can make you happy 😉

To live is to love @marius19.
Everything you do, do it with joy, do it for yourself, for your personal growth, enjoy and learn from everything.

Thank you for sharing this beautiful words with us.

Very good story @marius19 . . I like your post 👏

Am scris tare demult o chestie, postul tau mi a adus aminte de ea...am și gasit-o chiar!

lucrurile care par a fi cele greu de indurat pentru tine ar putea fi, dupa ce mai arunci o privire, lucruri pentru care sa fii recunoscator.
vorbim de echilibru insa probabil sa nu i cunoastem dimensiunea, de rezonabil cand nu reusim sa oglindim proiectia eului in contextul actual, de limite cand nu am iesit din zona de confort nici macar cu mintea... de curaj cand teama ne tine captivi intr un continu monolog interior. de toleranta intr o lume in care fiecare pas naste un ecou... de rutina in care ceea ce faci iti spune ora exacta.
sa stabilim capetele intervalului, de la minus infinit spre evolutie. sa jucam un rol mental al extremelor, apoi sa gasim acel loc ce pare a defini realitatea noastra. priveste spre cei care intind o mana si nu ajung spre tine.. spre cei care nu se mai uita de mult in urma..
priveste ansamblul, fii recunoscator..

I try not to think or make any decisions when I am still in bed. I am too groggy for that.

Best way to start a morning is to seriously just get up.

Real expression .....i too feel like that...but want to enjoy everyday....