They slowly began to grow up with much joy. T

in #life3 years ago

One of the kings who lived in this village had no sons or daughters. One day the king gave birth to twin daughters. The king saw that their hair was made of gold and silver.

They slowly began to grow up with much joy. Then, as they got older, their hair became more and more watery.

The golden hair was going she was too arrogant she was too arrogant with her golden hair. But whose silver was running. He used to treat people very well.

One day Sonar Chullu Ali's marriage was right, Rupali's marriage was not right. Then this one slap entered their palace and the two of them entered the house and did not cut their hair.

He fled from the palace with them and went far away. Then he woke up in the morning and saw that his hair was gone. That was the day he started thinking about what he would do after marriage.

Then Rupa stole her hair and then they got married. Then the beauty and youth told him everything and then he realized his mistake. From then on, he would never feel it again.

Because many people saw the wire and stopped saving. Because it is not good to lock. There is a proverb which is the root of the introduction of arithmetic.
One of the kings who lived in this village had no sons or daughters. One day the king gave birth to twin daughters. The king saw that their hair was made of gold and silver.

They slowly began to grow up with much joy. Then, as they got older, their hair became more and more watery.

The golden hair was going she was too arrogant she was too arrogant with her golden hair. But whose silver was running. He used to treat people very well.

One day Sonar Chullu Ali's marriage was right, Rupali's marriage was not right. Then this one slap entered their palace and the two of them entered the house and did not cut their hair.

He fled from the palace with them and went far away. Then he woke up in the morning and saw that his hair was gone. That was the day he started thinking about what he would do after marriage.

Then Rupa stole her hair and then they got married. Then the beauty and youth told him everything and then he realized his mistake. From then on, he would never feel it again.Want baie mense het die draad gesien en opgehou spaar. Want dit is nie goed om te sluit nie. Daar is 'n spreekwoord wat die wortel van die inleiding van rekenkunde is.
Een van die konings wat in hierdie dorpie gewoon het, het geen seuns of dogters gehad nie. Eendag het die koning geboorte gegee aan tweelingdogters. Die koning het gesien dat hulle hare van goud en silwer gemaak is.

Hulle het stadig begin grootword met baie vreugde. Toe, soos hulle ouer geword het, het hul hare al hoe meer waterig geword.

Die goue hare was aan die gang sy was te arrogant sy was te arrogant met haar goue hare. Maar wie se silwer loop. Hy het mense baie goed behandel.

Eendag was Sonar Chullu Ali se huwelik reg, Rupali se huwelik was nie reg nie. Toe kom hierdie een klap hul paleis binne en hulle twee het die huis ingegaan en nie hul hare gesny nie.

Hy het saam met hulle uit die paleis gevlug en ver weg gegaan. Toe word hy die oggend wakker en sien sy hare is weg. Dit was die dag toe hy begin dink het oor wat hy ná die huwelik sou doen.

Toe steel Rupa haar hare en toe trou hulle. Toe vertel die skoonheid en jeugdigheid hom alles en toe besef hy sy fout. Van toe af sou hy dit nooit weer voel nie.

Because many people saw the wire and stopped saving. Because it is not good to lock. There is a proverb which is the root of the introduction of arithmetic.

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