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RE: Will China Overtake The United States?

in #life6 years ago

I could say that right now, United States began its policy of not allowing inmigrants wich can bill the economy in less than ten years. Building the wall will cost a huge debt which will make US entry in the bankruptcy process, even worse than the big depression happened in 1929.

    China is running to be the superpowered country in the world. Nobody knows the political conflicts happening in Chinese territory -Taipei and Tibet is one of the examples- the over population and excessive consumptions are decreasing the life quality of chinese people. If we look at India, the economy has growth faster as the population in the last twenty years. So, it's probably that even China will be overtaken by India in 25 years from now...


    We don't have a policy of not allowing immigrants, we welcome immigrants. Building the wall won't cost Americans a dime in the long run, Mexico will be paying for it, but even if they weren't we can afford it. It will save us money in the long run.
    Does China allow illegal aliens to flow freely into their country, why or why not?

    No. Mexico won't -and they are not forced to- pay for a wall made by the U.S Government against mexican and centro-american inmigrants. Trump speech on inmigration is a huge bullshit to justify racism and protect racist people from trials

      The fact about mexican pay for something who damage them is try to avoiding -very stupidly- the unstoppable bankcruptcy of United States. It is just as i build a house that you will pay for and you won't be able to live. Incomprehensible...

      A wall would be good for Mexico and Mexicans as well, the Mexican state also has an interest in securing its borders, legal immigrants are more than welcome, come on in the front door, illegal drug smuggling and jumping the fence is not good for anyone involved, why do you want it to be easy for people to be smuggled here to be treated as second class citizens at best and slaves at worst?
      It's more like "good fences make good neighbors" I am sure we will offer the Mexicans generous financing terms on our border wall. Maybe in exchange we can help them beef up the southern border they are having problems with.

      Why is it that those who play the race card insist on calling illegal aliens "immigrants"? Are all Mexican and centro-american immigrants illegals?

      I like how you choose not to answer my question.

      Would be good? LOL! Get out the bubble man!

      There is a world in chaos. Trump is ruining the world by making your country great as he see. So greed. For Trump, people from holes of dirt like African countries, Mexico and Venezuela are illegal aliens, and people from nice land like Sweden, Denmark and Norway are inmigrant. And i repeat, Mexico won't pay a dime for that fucking wall. Get it!!!!

      Nope for Trump legal immigrants with skills are good, no matter where they come from, and illiterate criminal illegal alien gang members are bad. You seem to be in the MSM bubble and actually believing their editorials and fake news. We have a lot of ways to make Mexico pay, they are very dependent on us. If we want them to pay they will pay, no matter what some impotent Mexican president says. Trump wants to expand legal immigration and has stated on many times his desire for congress to reform immigration laws and protect the so called dreamers. You should ask yourself where you are getting your information about Trump and why those people want to feel the way you do and whose interests that serves.

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