Vaccination WITHOUT CONSENT -- They are Coming For Us All...
Vaccination -- WITHOUT CONSENT…
As bands of highly concerned and determined parents come together.., to try and stop the mandate on vaccinations without consent, in an effort to protect their children… Legislation has been passed in California, that says ALL children have to be vaccinated in order to go to school (can you say home schooling). The gov't has taken control of your children, if you want them to attend school. They can inject them with whatever they, whenever they want… And now they are trying to figure out a way to go after the home-schoolers, too.

All 50 states actually require immunization of children starting school, although about 20 allow exemptions based on personal beliefs. As of yet, there is no Federal Law mandating vaccines, but as the government, medical profession and the media spin outbreaks of measles at Disneyland or 150 children come come with the measles… These numbers are minuscule, when you consider the fact, that in the 1970's 1 in 10,000 to present day 1 in 45 children that are diagnosed with autism spectrum.
Now, the medical profession, pharmaceutical companies and the government would like you to believe the rise in autism and another closely related brain disorders has to to with better recognition, leading to more being diagnosed…
MMR Vaccine...
As whistleblowers step forward.., and even members of the Senate call for investigations into the blatant cover-up, based on thousands of documents -- still nothing gets done, nobody gets held accountable and the government thinks it knows whats better for your child, than you.
Thimerosal has been used for over 70 years as a preservative to inhibit the growth of bacteria in vaccines. And was considered the culprit for many years, until being removed from "most" vaccines due to the mercury it contains and the damage it had done. It was only added to vaccines in an effort by drug companies to save money, by storing vaccines in large doses and having to remove the seal every time they needed to vaccinate someone. Now, vaccines are stored in single use syringes or vials.
Still there are medical "professionals" and government officials.., that will tell you, that the type of mercury found in Thimerosal is not dangerous because the body is able to expel it. Then why, in 1999 did they agree to reduce the amount of Thimerosal in vaccines? Not to make light of such an important issue… But it's like getting caught in bed with another woman and your wife walking in and seeing this, with her own eyes -- and all you can say is.., what woman..? DENY - DENY -DENY…
It seems the government and the medical profession has had a lot of practice at this type of denial -- so that the real findings never find there way into the final report. Only, when you are dealing with the lives of children -- it becomes criminal. “Rubella virus is one of the few known causes of autism,” explained the CDC on its FAQs about MMR Vaccine & Autism page, which has since been removed from public view. It is still available in some web archives.

Vaccinations Are Not Just A U.S. Problem
And this is not just an American problem… Ever since a paper on the MMR vaccine done by Andrew Wakefield in the UK was found to be fraudulent and he was removed from the Medical Register in the UK -- the government has routinely used this as a crutch (scapegoat) to fall back on.
But when a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed in the UK forced the Department of Health to release confidential documents outlining the details of MMR’s initial approval back in the 1980's, revealing that GlaxoSmithKline, the manufacturer of the MMR vaccine Pluserix, knew that there were problems…
Vaccinations have been a controversial subject in the UK.., since the Vaccination Act of 1853 made smallpox vaccination mandatory for all infants in the first three months of life and made parents liable to a fine or imprisonment. And although there is no law mandating that your child get vaccinated in the UK.., there are many that fear they are on the verge of a ‘1984′ style legislation and guidelines in which freedoms are taken away from citizens framed in terms of rights granted. And this has happened without political or public debate, scrutiny or democratic vote.
Whether you live in the US or the UK.., make no mistake -- your government is looking to, not only vaccinate your children, without your consent… They are looking for ways to vaccinate everyone -- without their consent.
It has become quite obvious, that governments are owned by their most valued donors… The pharmaceutical industry (the drug companies), not only own those "elected" officials.., but they also own the media (who has been absent from this issue). They are some of there biggest contributors.
We have gone from 1 in 10,000 in the 1970's.., to 1 in 45 children, today. That's how much the rate of children in the autism spectrum has grown… And just based on the numbers and rate of increase in autism.., by the year 2032 one in 2 children will be diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder.
Make no mistake about it (and I am not one of these conspiracy people).., they are, at this moment, truing to devise a plan, to mandate vaccinations for us all… There just isn't enough money, just vaccinating children.., they need to deepen the pot. Because as we have all learned -- money is more important than human life, based on the history of government.
MMR Vaccine - Measels, Mumps and Rubella
Image Source: 1 2
Vaccination is a very important step in human safety and health. It is a big gain to the whole society. If you don't believe in it, or think of government & pharma conspiracy then you should just go to a university and get the vaccine analysed. I mean there are so many institutions worldwide who are working on such stuff - profit and non-profit and you think that everyone is part of that conspiracy? Sorry, I don't agree. I know a lot of medical doctors in person and they are vaccinating all of their own children, some of them are even active in R&D for companies fighting viruses!
I think vaccines have saved many, many lives... And no, I don't think everything is a conspiracy. But, in this particular case (MMR) there is just so much documentation, confirming that drug companies and the governments knew something was wrong.., and squashed it.
That is not an accurate statement.
Yeah, the especially the link between MMR and autism has been studied and debunked numerous times already. Still someone manages to bring it up like it's something new.
It's all a conspiracy, man! That's just what they want you to think!
Wow. Wow. Please consider this simple google search.
Polio never isolated.
Please consider that.
this is all covered in the first section of the Nuremberg code. medical procedures, without consent, have been against international law since at least 1949.
self defense is lawfully justified in cases of forced injections.
Sounds good to me...
I'm with you, @macksby. I signed something to get out of it. They are no longer honoring religious exemptions, either. I'll find the form I used. So many loopholes. I'm so disgusted with it all. And the scam of the flu shot. No way. What's next - taking your kids away because you are endangering their lives by refusing vaccination? Wake up, world. They want us to stay sick - that's where the money is.
Thanks @fairytalelife -- but they're not going to be satisfied until they have to "right" to vaccinate us all.., claiming -- it's for our own good!
It's good to see so many awaken people talking freely!
There's way more money in making people feel better, but that inconvenient fact wouldn't support a giant implausible global conspiracy, so...
You've written this lime you speak for all parents... But I don't think you've asked all parents?
I know my baby is going to be vaccinated for sure, because I know what's best for my child
Im sorry, if I came off, as speaking for all parents -- Im certainly not. But you just said it, yourself -- "I know what's best for my child." People should be able to make that decision, themselves -- and not it forced upon them...
Can you provide ONE case for the vaccine side, as to WHY you know this work, one study to back up your decision in regards to someone else's life? If you can provide one case, one study that shows vaccines are good, I promise to leave steemit FOR EVER.
How did humans survive 10k years without vaccines? Boggles the mind...
Mostly, they didn't (to the lifespans we generally take for granted today).
If you read the Bible, lifespans have become shorter over time. My father said in his day there were a lot of very old farmers but these days old folk tend to be so weak and sickly at those ages.
Vid or it didn't happen bro. And please, enlighten everyone here: HAS THERE BEEN ONE ISOLATED VIRUS? LOL.
Polio saved a heckalot of effort for the KNOWN EUGENICS PUSHING GUBERMENT. Lifespans, LMFAO.
You know what, granted you can open your asshole mouth about issues you haven't knowledge of, making you an ignorant asshole, I wonder if you would have the guts to even face a reality which says vaccines have never, not once, been good.
It surely does...
Thank you @macksby! I'll read. I'll comeback to you on this. This subject matters to me.
Hey @teamsteem -- you should check-out the last link under the references... The documentary (movie) Vaxxed is extremely informative on this matter. Cheers!
I had the chance to watch it already. I'm glad we have this concern over the safety of this medicine.
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Even in my country to do any kind of vaccination they need a written consent from a parent. You are right, this is a worldwide problem. It's all about money...
In the NHS, there is waiver to sign for those who refused the flu vaccine.I always ask the link nurses if they know what's in it and they dont know,even its' complications.
They did away with the waiver in California...
This is bad. This is insane. Thanks for this important article.
Right-now... there is some guy in a bad suit, trying to come up with a way to mandate vaccinations -- worldwide. You can bet your house on it!
Good post, important topic @macksby, I agree with you - vaccinations are complicated and should be a choice. I've learned that they are not required to undergo the indepth testing that was necessary 30 years ago for vaccines and are thus full of contamination that can cause more problems than good.
My parents believed that vaccinations caused great harm so claimed "religious objection" so that we could go to school even though not vaccinated. I wasn't vaccinated until I traveled to Egypt in 1989 and you couldn't pay me to get a flu shot!!
They are slowly but surely getting rid of that waiver...
Human government is a disease on the face of the planet. What we all need is some kind of magic vaccination to make us immune from it!
Man, you could sell that vaccine for a lot of money -- but it would probably be better to give that one away for free!
Right on!
Gov already ban the research on this one.