in #life8 years ago

“No man is rich enough to buy back his past.” -- Oscar Wilde

super rich

Ever want to be rich and powerful -- You may want to re-examine that desire…

Being Rich Doesn't Shield You from Tragedy

We've all dreamt of being rich and powerful… Being able to buy anything, go anywhere -- whenever we felt like it. Maybe, even at times.., been a bit jealous of people with all that wealth -- their fabulous lives… We see their money and things -- their mansions and limos.., and think -- they must be pretty damn happy with all that shit!

I don't pretend to know what goes through the mind of one of these super rich assholes… But I do know plenty of them are way beyond unhappy -- they are FUCKED-UP. Maybe it's part of the package.., if you happened to be "blessed" with such affluence. Some of these possessors of such overwhelming opulence, even with $100's of millions of dollars -- still don't feel financially secure… I'd say there view on life.., and everything about it -- is a little skewed.

While the over abundance (to say the least).., these people live with is often very visible (show offs), what lies beyond that gilded cage are the very same issues (emotions) we all deal with -- love, joy, anger, sadness, fear -- heartache. Even with all their privilege.., and toys -- they still hurt when someone breaks their heart, only they might not be able handle such rejection -- their used to getting everything they want… With no frame of reference (or just the fucked-up one they inherited from their super rich can't be bothered parents), things (life) can spiral out of control pretty quick -- especially when you have access to anything you want.., to dull the pain…

Addiction Does Not Discriminate…

I grew up in an addictive environment -- my Dad was an alcoholic. He kicked-it (if you ever kick-it) but not before he destroyed a few lives besides his own. Even though he suffered from this disease, I had great respect and even admiration for him -- he was still my hero… And even though we never spoke too much about his abuse of alcohol and the effects it had on everyone around him.., I always knew he was sorry -- for everything. But, what I do remember him saying is… If you ever want to detox from anything don't go to Betty Ford -- go to Elmhurst General (a shithole hospital in Queens where he dried out).., you will never have another drink in your life, that's how bad you don't want to go back to this hell-hole of a place. "If I went to Betty Ford -- I'd be dead already!"

There is a sense of entitlement, even towards addiction, that the super wealthy think they own.., and can handle (beat) because of who they are -- their wealth. They know if they happen to "take things too far" they can just check into one of the many extravagant rehabs, that put 5 star hotels too shame… There's no incentive not too come back -- they are some of the nicest "resorts" you have ever seen -- with doctors and staff on-call 24/7.

Addiction is just one of the tragedies the super wealthy have to deal with.., just like us all. And it has showed no prejudice when it comes to the size of your bank account -- maybe even taken a little extra pride when taking down one of these over-privileged family members, for us all to see… When you come from that much staggering wealth, there is usually a certain amount of fame attached -- wanted or not.

Not Everything Is As It Seems...

The super wealthy and those powerful families.., get to battle their demons on the front page of of the daily news, as entertainment for the rest of us… Starting with a family that at one time held more wealth than any family in America --

The Getty's… J. Paul Getty the family patriarch made his money in oil.., and for a time was considered to be one of the richest men in the world. This family has indeed suffered it's share of tragedy by any scale -- starting withe the death of his son (12 years old) of a brain tumor in 1958. Then the wife of Eugene Paul Getty died of a heroin overdose a little over a decade later… A few years after that -- J. Paul Getty III (son of Sir John Getty) was kidnapped in Italy and the ransom demanded was $17 million dollars.


When you are part of such a wealthy family.., people (kidnappers) think you have access to any amount of cash at the drop of a dime. Sir John was unable to come-up with such a large sum.., and his billionaire father refused to help. The kidnappers cut off J. Paul Getty's right ear and sent it back to the family -- a ransom of over $2 million dollars was paid and he was released. The 16 year old Getty was held captive for months. Even though he would recover from his physical wounds.., he never sorted it out in his mind.He lived a life wracked with pain and misery, suffering from a drug overdose, which caused a stroke, leaving him paralyzed, unable to speak and rather blind. He died at the age of 54.

Johnson and Johnson… This family is no different, as to, not only the amount of extreme wealth.., but tragedy as well… Soon after Robert Wood Johnson II died of cancer -- “I have millions and I would give everything I have if someone could make me well” -- His son Bobby was diagnosed with cancer and died at age 50. And the Woody Johnson (Jets Owner) fell off an overpass (drunk) and been paralyzed -- only after a ridiculous amount of money and rehabilitation was he able to walk again, with a limp. And then one after the other -- Keith Johnson died from shooting cocaine and his brother Billy Johnson was killed in a motorcycle accident, just a few weeks later -- only ever receiving the first $10 million dollar trust fund payment.


With claims of childhood molestation.., from the first infant face ever to don the Baby Powder container -- of her father, excessive drinking and drugs (abuse), mental instability (illness)… Family members accusing other loved ones, of conspiring to commit murder, just to get their hands on their money. And all of this played out in public…

While these are just two super wealthy families.., that have been plagued with tragedies beyond comprehension, seemingly revolving around their vast wealth -- there have been many extremely screwed-up super wealthy people…

Suicide. Insanity. Jail. Broke.

  • Jesse Livermore (one of the greatest stock brokers ever) having made millions in the early 1900's only to lose it all.., and committed suicide at the Sherry Netherland Hotel, by shooting himself.

  • Howard Hopson (president of the world largest gas company -- super rich) was committed to an insane asylum.

  • Charles Schwab (president of the largest steel company -- super rich) died bankrupt, living on borrowed money for the last 5 years of his life

  • The Inman Twins (heir to the Doris Duke Fortune) were already being abused as children at 2 years old by their drugged addicted father, who would routinely lock them in the basement with feces smeared all over the walls, put them in scalding hot baths. All the money they stand to inherit will be able to mend these two emotionally stunted individuals

  • Casey Johnson (heir Johnson and Johnson) addicted to alcohol, cocaine and heartbreak, Casey would die alone at age 30, living in squalor.

There just seem to be so many super wealthy.., that die alone, broke, insane, in jail… And before their deaths.., seem to have led lives filled with despair. Never being taught the value of a dollar was just the tip of the iceberg. Many of them were ill equipped to deal with the responsibility of such immense wealth.., and all that comes with it. Though living lives of pure opulence and decadence -- they are still human.., and thus are subject to the obstacles life has in-store for us.

Most if not all, the horror and tragedy these families face.., is almost always directly correlated to the vast amounts of money they inherited or made -- all that unearned money to burn… Somehow, all that wealth has robbed them of the coping mechanisms, that some of us "less-fortunate" have learned the hard way -- we had no choice. So much focus is placed on "the money" everything else takes a back seat, even your own children.

The grass isn't always greener…

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Something to think about. People think having a lot of money would be great, but as you showed, it can take over your life. Good article!

Thanks @kenny-crane -- Lots of dark secrets haunt these powerful families, when you have that much money (wealth), there are definitely a few skeletons in the closet!

Maybe some of the "Nouveau Riche" aren't suffering yet from the predicaments your are describing, but I can't help but think that it is the case for most of the old money in the world and, because of it, believe that the ruling elite is really... Out of their rockers as some would say and to put it lightly.

Chunky pieces of history related in there too, thanks for sharing and namaste :)

The ones with enough money to be part of the ruling class -- are completely bat-shit (not to put it lightly). The deception, mistrust and even acts of violence focused on your own family.., just because so much money is involved. Thanks @eric-boucher -- Namaste :))

Truth brother. Upvoted + following you.

It blows my mind!
Thanks @thejohalfiles, appreciate it :))

I think that the first generation usuaĺly turns out fine. They knew what a regular life was like, but keeping kids who are born into such wealth from turning into brats is very hard. Îe heard that in some families you have to work, blue collar if need be, in order to receive a stipend from the family fund. Tge stipend is much higher than the pay earned , but you cant loaf around, and you have to show a basic sense of responsibility if you want to share in the familÿ wealth.

Yes, you are right on about somw of them having to work... I used to know an heir to the "Johnson and Johnson" fortune -- and he worked in a gas station, just so the family would send his stipend every month. That is until his first trust fund payment of a few million dollars kicked in. Definitely a different lifestyle, than most...

This would make a great topic for a book. Well done!

Thanks @ericvancewalton -- it is definitely an interesting topic when you dig into it!

This is all too real for most people to comprehend. Most thinking, "Oh, they're rich, they'll just get rehab and be fine," or even, "They got everything in life they could dream of having anyways!" How about thinking they might have, like the rest of us, wanted to see their kids graduate or even die WITH a family?

As this article says, they are human like the rest of us. Despite their bratty attitudes in the spotlight, they really do share the same emotions and pain the less fortunate do. I really hope others can see this article and understand how real and powerful wealth can be. It's just like a rollercoaster, once it starts, no one can control it.

Did you hear about that experiment they did with a few monkeys/gorillas/whatevers where they taught them the concept of money by trading a banana and the coin back and forth. After releasing the coins, all the animals brought the coins to the closest female and banged her brains out. Soon, the female was sitting with coins stacked to the ceiling and the monkeys were pennyless. Just like these animals, they couldn't handle the responsibility of money and spent it all on leisures. It's how our uncivilized mind thinks: Us first; Others later.

For the ones (lucky or unlucky) that are born into it.., they don't know anything else, growing up in the bubble of such wealth.

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