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RE: A Poem to my Love As Cancer starts to take Me. Possibly my last blog
Are you on Discord anywhere yet? Truthfully, I belong to several groups but am not a chatterbox in them for sure. I prefer it more out here :)
Yes, lots of groups. Just felt overwhelmed most of the times I went in to any plus didn't understand the techie push to talk set-up.
Got help with that yesterday when I was in the Drop In the Ocean show and sorted enough to VOICE SPEAK!!!!!
Yayyyy!!! Was so grateful!!!
Can certainly relate to all of that, Lynn! I keep thinking I can be meeting and greeting via comments when I'm in there. PLUS if I stay in too long, I start to feel the same way I feel when I'm in a crowded stadium... too overwhelmed picking up energy from everyone. ;)
Yesterday the group was small though and it was soooo relieving to finally understand and be able to use the voice thingy.
Balance in everything as usual I guess, right? ;)
How are you today, Lynn? How is Brian?
Sending you both lots of hugzzzz and prayers for a beautiful, precious moments-filled day. xxx