My baby girl will be 10 tomorrow
Tomorrow you turn 10. Ten years old. The sound of that makes my heart flip in my chest with excitement for you and takes my breath away all at the same time. Where has the time gone?
I could not be more proud of the young woman that you are becoming. You at the age of 10 are already in so many ways that person I wish I could be.
This is by far my absolute favorite thing about you. From the moment I knew I would be your mom I prayed that you would come to know Jesus and live for Him. He has captured your heart and your desire to live out His love daily is something I could not be more proud of.
I pray that you continue to seek after him wholeheartedly and always put Him first. Ask that He make the desires of His heart your own and follow Him no matter what. His love for you is vast and larger than you can even comprehend. Cling to Him.
Your Heart for Others.
When you love someone you love fiercely. Whether it be friends or family you love quickly. I LOVE this about you. I love that you desire to make things better for others. You have a sacrificial heart. You would give the shirt off your back for someone you love.
Your sensitive Heart.
This goes along with your love for others. Sometimes this sensitive heart may seem like a curse but hold on to it and do not let it become hardened. I love this heart of yours. I know that at times the world may not seem fair and I know that things don’t make sense but hang on, God is working. Remember the love He has for you and hang on. He has great things planned for you and I 100% believe that it is your sensitive heart towards others that He is going to use. He is going to use it for His Kingdom and you will see Him do great things.
You are Strong Willed
I love that you are strong willed. You are stubborn, my word, you are stubborn and right now this stubbornness drives me crazy. Your dad said im the same. But man its difficult. But, I love that God gave you this quality. I pray that you always use this for good. Do not allow stubbornness to cloud your heart. Use it to make changes in the world and to always stand up for what is right and good. Being strong willed can be a blessing or a curse, pray that it is used for HIS good.
You are beautiful!
You sometimes do not believe this about yourself but Megan, you are beautiful! You have an infectious smile that lights up a room. Your eyes are the most beautiful green/blue. Your hair, you know how much I love it. But even more importantly, you are just as beautiful on the inside as you are out. I LOVE this about you!
You are my mini me. You turned my life upside down and side ways from the moment you were placed in my arms and being your mom is one of the greatest joys I will have in my life. I have always said that you were created for something BIG and I cannot wait to see all that God has in store for you.
I hope your 10th birthday is everything you dreamt it would be.
Post borrowed from letter to my daughter.
congrats, i have little boy and girl, time flies, they grow up SO quickly.
congrats ones again.
You have to treasure the moment. My son is turning 17 this year. Its so sad
Happy birthday for tomorrow big girl!! Stay as beautiful as you are xxx
Thinking about splurging on a more professional camera, what are you using?