Love Transcends Time: An Essay on the Existence of God

in #life5 years ago (edited)

The first time I watched the movie Interstellar, I was completely at a loss for words. I remember the movie finishing and sitting in my seat for several minutes on the verge of tears.

It is said that the organ is the voice of God. The resounding Hans Zimmer score coupled with the visuals of seemingly limitless space left me in a place of reverence and awe spiritually. There has not been a movie before or since that affected me in this way.

I have probably watched this favorite of mine 6-7 times since it came out in 2014. That is one of my criteria for a movie to be on my favorite’s list - I must be able to watch it multiple times and be inspired or learn something upon each viewing.

So what is it about this movie that continues to touch me to my very being? In a word, it is love.

Prior to seeing Interstellar, I did not have a frame of reference for what time and space looked like. And while I don’t look at the 4th dimension of time illustrated in the movie as the example for us to base our beliefs on, it was a moving visual for my conscious mind to see.

My beliefs are Christian, and more specifically, I agree with the teaching of the Reformed Presbyterian tradition. In that branch of theological belief, is the teaching about God being sovereign over the choices of man. There are a lot of different thought paths we could travel on here, but my focus is the concept of God and space time.

For a long time I have pondered how God’s sovereignty and man’s free will coincide. While I am not here to declare that the centuries of debate are over, I do believe that this Hollywood movie has a powerful message for Christian, and non-Christian alike to consider.

In Scripture we read that God is love. There are numerous attributes about God’s character and being that begin to describe Him, but only love is used in this way. We do not read God is mercy, or God is faith. Scripture says, God is love.

This concept astounded me when I considered what Interstellar was saying. Here, in movie form, was an example of what a Father’s love for his daughter looked like transcending the boundaries of time and space. Or more accurately as we have come to learn from Einstein’s theory of relativity - space and time are one.

So how is it that a being who is outside of space time comes to love and guide us in our lives? This movie gives us a picture of that.

If we are Christians, we say we have the Word of God to learn what God is saying. At the very beginning of that book we read the words, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Or, as one of my professors was fond of saying, “In the beginning, God.”

His point was that God transcends time and space. He is not bound by the same dimensions we are. Nor was there ever a time that He was not. God is, and always has been. He exists, and all things exist because He does.

Can we put together the pieces here of what that means for love? May we see the wonder that is our human existence when we realize that we are made in the image of Almighty God?

There are so many more things we could discuss and talk about, but we will pause at this piece in time.

My prayer for you as you consider the realities of our existence, and the possibility of a higher dimension or being, is that you think about what the Scriptures have to say. Also, I pray you consider setting aside a few hours to watch the movie Interstellar. You may come away from the experience, as I did, profoundly changed by the existence of God.

Image sources: 1 2
Video source: Interstellar


I was wondering what happened to you not long ago. Glad to see you're still kickin'

It is good to discuss these metaphysical matters but the ultimate we know that "there will few that will find it".

May God use our lights as beacons unto these people as imperfect vessels we are.

Haha, yes, still kickin’. Had a bit of a break.

Amen, brother. Our part is to share, and the sheep hears His voice.

Thank you for the reblog!

Right On!

Yes, the way I understand it is that our job is to point people to Christ by conveying the definitively finished nature of His Work on the Cross and the LORD sorts out the rest.

My conviction is it's our duty to be faithful to the (gospel) propositions contained in His Word that are illuminated by the Spirit that testifies to our conscience. Unlike the "Churchianity" of this age which often employs a myriad of gimmicks and emotionally manipulative techniques ("turn or burn" evangelism... if you could call it that) to convince goats to walk the religious walk.

From a societal perspective, such may be good for the saints as I would venture to say it fosters some semblance of order and security in our society... That is unless of course an oppressive theocratic regime ever came to power. God forbid that should come to pass but it's His plan and not mine.

We know that goats are goats and sheep are sheep and no amount of persuasive words can change the state of the former. Granted we don't know who such persons but we do know that at some point there is biblical warrant for us to "dust off our feet".

It's funny how I recall my evangelism before I was converted to the truth. I would go on and on like the Energizer Bunny and wonder why they don't get it. Anyways, I think I've rambled on enough.

I don't know that you were of the Presbyterian Reformed denomination. I'm in a strange place between being reformed and this thing called Sovereign Grace. To sum it up in a few words, they all tend to be supralapsarian and doggedly defend the premise that salvation is in Christ alone and there is absolutely nothing man can do to evidence it apart from their confession.

Alright, I'm done for real this time. You have yourself a great evening!

Haha, wow, that was terrific!

Yes, it is sad to see us try so hard sometimes when the simple act of sharing is all that is required. I found it interesting that when we would speak at abortion clinics just how powerful the work of the Spirit is. It was the folks who were the loudest that often chose life. For those that it did not, there was nothing we said - no matter how eloquent or for a period of time - that changed them. It was humbling to see, and glorifying to the One who deserves it all. Soli Deo Gloria.

Well, I know what's on my to do list. Thanks for sharing.

Haha, you’re welcome!

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Interstellar is now on my watch list, ... seems this film has made quite an impression, ... I feel the same about the film Contact with Jodie Foster.

I have not seen that one before. The reviews on it sound highly intriguing.

Strange, but I did not care much for Interstellar when I saw it...
Testimony to my failure to see, no doubt.

Thank you for this very thoughtful and encouraging article. I clearly need to see it again, and pay more careful attention to what I missed. I am probably just too much of a "hard-science" sci-fi kinda guy... :)



No need to beat yourself up. We all learn at different frequencies and time.

This science video may be of more interest to you. :)
A quantum physicist I enjoy listening to, Sean Carrol, is featured about 9 minutes in.

Thanks, I'll check it out. :D

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Howdy lydon.sipe! Another fascinating post! I remember seeing that movie and really being impressed with it but now I want to see it again and will do so with a different mindset. I think movies like that have to be seen several times to get their meaning more fully, especially the profound ones.

Do you know if the writers for this are Christians?

Howdy, @janton my friend! You are absolutely right, the profound movies transcend time and carry meanings that require multiple viewings.

Great question. Jonathan and Christopher Nolan have not said as such in interviews as far as I have found. However, I find Christopher especially to be one who thinks upon and seeks the truth in all matters. He seems to be intrigued by the concept of time especially. Inception and Interstellar are good examples of that. His new film coming in July is also a movie dealing with time. A trailer is below for you. Have a splendid day.

Howdy lydon.sipe! Wow that looks like an intriguing movie! Thanks for the trailer, I'll be watching for it. I like movies where you have to pay attention and try and figure things out.

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