The Journey from Child to Adult

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Have you ever wondered what happened with all that life full of adventure and madness that you had before?

There is one thing that I have noticed a lot and that is that when we reached a certain age, we left aside the games, the fun and that endless madness that kept us alive, that helped us to go from a bad moment to a great adventure full of a lot of madness and hidden secrets to discover, we become everyday people and we become part of the system, we only worry about things like work, obligations and responsibilities that we have while little by little we are drowning in a world full of stress where there is only darkness



We lose those funny moments where we used to have a good time with friends, we lose that inner child that we have inside and all those dreams that we had at some point of being able to travel and know that place that we love so much. We begin to limit ourselves to what seems possible, to what our economic situation allows us to do and we forget that the impossible can only be possible if you wish, if you dream it because the best things started with a simple foolish dream and then they became things extraordinary <3



Do you remember when you were children?

Everything was pure fun and imagination, everything was a wonderful world where you played hide and seek, built houses with the blankets of your room and those of your whole family if possible, where seeing a simple cardboard led us to imagine that we were in a spaceship or driving a race car, those moments where a stick was a gun or a sword and we were in the middle of an alien invasion, where you played pirates and walked all over the house looking for the X that marks the treasure, those moments where we were super heroes and saved many people, where something everyday took us to a fantastic world made by our imagination, where technology did not exist yet and we were full of many everyday games such as playing metras, spinning top, perinola among others.



Many people forget those funny things and they become boring people, people who instead of using their imagination to create things decide to be part of the system and leave behind their dreams, people who say that I am too big for those things, and the truth should not So, there are many people who go beyond their daily lives and transform a common place into an extremely magical place full of many secrets and imagination, they decided to fly and let themselves be carried away by their imagination creating the best scenarios to enjoy with friends and spend from normal to something abnormal full of fantastic moments, those people who see the world in a different way and are considered crazy, but without doubt the best people are <3



I recently read a post from @glamdoll called Magic of Space that I loved very much for the way they transformed a normal room into something fantastic, creating games and events created by their imagination taking everyone to a great adventure out of the ordinary, enjoying the best moments

I invite you to relive your inner child and make every moment an extraordinary world, enjoy every second to the fullest, live your life out of the ordinary and have fun in the process, do not leave your dreams behind and do everything possible to fulfill them, start from the smallest to the largest and never, but never stop being a child <3


Thank you for reaching the end of my post I hope you liked it and felt connected to the content, do not let stress and your everyday situations collapse your dream, enjoy each moment as if it were the last and let your imagination fly to create great opportunities <3



Tub Cat has enjoyed reading your post and agrees that we should all attempt to relive our childhood and inject as much fun into our life as possible. Tub Cat has just turned 40 years old (which is very old for a Cat in a Tub) and still tries to have fun and do silly things as much as possible. Tub Cat still has the mind of a kitten sometimes.

Tub Cat is very impressed at the quality of your post. So impressed that he has pushed the little green squishy thing with an upwards pointing arrow to show his appreciation.

The only suggestion that Tub Cat has is to perhaps take a look at some formatting guides that may further improve the appearance of your post. This is just a minor suggestion for improving the development of your content.

Tub Cat strives to encourage the production of quality content on Steemit, and has made it is mission to both reward quality content and also offer advice to new comers about how to best go about producing quality content.

Tub Cat has enjoyed your post and encourages you to keep producing such excellent content!

hahahaha I'm glad you liked tubcat and you always have to be a kitten, thanks for the tips

Great message and great post. The realities of responsibility and adulting often include tunnel vision blinder goggles. The slow grueling monotonous motion through a system that has no sympathy and to the financial obligation that burdens the majority, banality drowns out the dreams and imagination of many. What I also wonder, as another part of your post hints at, what generations of children will be like thirty years from now. Where my generation, that of the 80's, we had no instant endless internet streaming, or the ample amount of technologies at our finger tips that captivate children's attention these days. We utilized and relied on our imagination to vanquish monsters, fly over mountains, and live wild adventures without being allowed to leave the house. Kids these days are hardwired and addicted to be plugged in to modern devices. What kind of future effect will this result in?

I really liked your comment. If it is very true every time the technology is wrapping us much more and almost children do not play as before everything is based on consoles and cell phones. I do not know how they will be 30 years from now, but if I'm sure that their imagination will be the same, when they play they focus a lot on the game and imagine that they are living this digital adventure and sometimes when they have nothing technological, revive those games before. I do not know if you got to see the last "toy story" movie, where the child had a lot of toys but did not play with them, all day was in his virtual reality console and at a time when the toys disconnect the console is given account that there on the floor was the toy and revived that imagination again <3

Interesting, I have not seen the newest "Toy Story." I suppose imagination is something that can't be lost, but grows stronger the more it is exercised. I wonder if there is some advantage to playing video games, like using strategies, solving puzzles, and brain stimulation.

If there is, playing video games is the best because it helps your brain develop more reflections and stimulates to find solutions faster, grabbing more agility in many things, that is why some children know how to handle more phone than their parents. to play is to learn even if it does not look like that

Makes sense. Gotta keep that mind sharp and stimulated- exercise the cranium.

play is great <3 I like a lot the games of mental agility and strategy, are my favotritos and you?

Wow @luislopezpk I love your post. Very inspiring <3 while reading your post it came to my mind a wonderful movie called "No se aceptan devoluciones"Did you watch it? I'm already following your advices, I'm a dreamer and I never forget my inner child :)

I love that movie <3 although it is very sad at the end :( What I love is that the father enjoyed his daughter a lot and both she and him, traveled in a magical world created by his imagination <3 beautiful movie

Yes it's very sad at the end :'( I cried a lot </3 but the whole movie is fantastic and moving. Exactly, they enjoyed each other, and he created a magical world for his little girl no matter how hard reality was. I love it too.

gave everything to see her little girl happy <3 I still do not understand why he died :( but at the end he met his mom, and he shared with his parents as she always dreamed

Thanks for the shoutout @luislopezpk :) and thank you for keeping steemit dreamin'! This is a post we should all read every day!!

Thank you very much, I love that you liked it <3 and if it is, when I saw your previous post I saw everything I wanted to translate into this <3 should not stop doing fun things, be children every day and fulfill our dreams . I hope many people can see this post and feel connected to its content <3

excelent, friend.

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