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RE: Hominid Evolution
Wenn ich denke was du denkst was es ist...nein ^^ Einfach nur Testosteron als Molekül welches via Nasenspray durch die Bluthirnschranke kommt.
XD "einfach nur" - das war ganz genau was ich mir gedacht habe- ^^
Woher bekommt Mann denn solch Testo Moleküle?
Man bräuchte ne Karte für Quellen und Fallobstfelder :D
stimmt so eine Karte für Selbstversorger.
Testosteron Propionat in Europe only available as creme/gel for topical application on skin (which has a way worse effect-profile) but the nasal form is only approved in the USA, what we get here is mostly homebrew stuff
If plant-based stuff was not that expensive or growing was not that hard I would go for a plant based stack.
it's in plants?? :DD
yeah there are steroid-analoga in plants. Fenugreek (Bockshornklee), Tribulus terrestris (Burzeldorn), Horny Goat Weed (Elfenblume) and one can use other supportive Plants like Ginger, Ashwaganda (which cointain substances which counter "Stresshormone" - cortisol and are a source for micro nutirents. Zink is imporatant for Testo. Normal Zink works as well on increasing testo-level), Maca. Studies show that it is enaugh to increase bodies own testo production. Of course you dont get it that easy through the Blood-Brain-Barrier. Maybe a gel...the problem with oral Hormone sis the first-pass in the liver which deactivates most of it, but its enaugh to get some effects.
The names :DD
I wanna get rid of all Stresshormones